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What is a Full Stack Developer’s Role?

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Full Stack developers have a broad knowledge base, and while their knowledge may not be deep, they can handle all aspects of the technical Stack. Simply put, they are “Jack of all trades.” Full Stack web developers can handle the entire range of website development services, including conceptualization, design, coding, and database management.

What exactly is Full Stack Web Development?

To understand full-stack web development services, you must first understand what the term “Full Stack” means. The term “Full Stack” refers to more than just IT or software/web development. Full-stack companies use their experience and expertise to provide services beyond traditional marketing, commercial, and technological capabilities. Consider the companies classified as Full Stack, which include the names Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb prominently. These are not technology companies, but they have changed how people watch television, travel, and vacation.


So, full-stack website development services imply the use of front-end tools such as Angular.js, Ember.js, or React, as well as backend tools such as Net Stack, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Java, PHP, and so on. Full-stack website development services use multiple databases, such as MongoDB, MySql, and NoSql, rather than just one, such as SQL. Full Stack web development services imply providing a product or service that spans the entire value chain, does not rely on a single technology or third-party service, innovates at breakneck speed, and develops absolute luxury.

Full Stack Developer Expectations

Companies expect full-stack developers to take on responsibilities ranging from concept to creativity and delivery. A full-stack developer would be expected to do the following tasks in the best web development company.


  • Collecting requirements, developing technical specifications and an architecture document, and providing a project timeline
  • Work with the system infrastructure to select an operating system and hardware.
  • API creation and management
  • Write front-end code and be familiar with one or more technologies.
  • Create, manipulate, query databases, and write backend code.
  • Should be familiar with SCRUM/Agile/Kanban, among other methodologies.


Full Stack Developer Skills

Many industry experts believe Full Stack developer is nothing more than a linguistic jargon that has risen in popularity and will soon disappear or be replaced by another fancy term. According to these experts, before the term was coined, people were known as Full Stack Developers because they worked on every aspect of website development. Check out Learnbay’s full stack developer course, to master the latest developer tools 


Many people believe that Full Stack development means producing better products and services in less time and efficiently using the ever-growing and ever-changing world of development tools, services, and databases. So, here are the skills that differentiate a Full Stack developer from a regular programmer.


  • A full-stack developer should be able to create a front end from a static prototype to a high-performance, visually appealing UI. Full Stack developers are expected to be experts in one or more technologies such as HTML, Javascript, AngularJS, React, and others and capable of creating flawless and appealing user interfaces. The UI design must be compatible with both the web and mobile environments, meaning it must be responsive. The FS developer should be an expert in web and mobile app UI design.


  • The ability to create, manage, and integrate REST APIs is required of FS developers. Should also be knowledgeable in one or more technologies such as.Net Stack, Java, Ruby, etc. Knowledge and expertise in backend programming languages add another dimension to an FS developer's abilities. For example,.Net, Stack may be advantageous for custom development, whereas Java may be advantageous for products that can run on a single server or distribute across multiple servers.


  • The FS developer should be knowledgeable about database management. Capability to create, understand and manipulate database queries, knowledge of relational and non-relational databases, and expertise in XML/JSON syntax is required. FS developers should also be familiar with reporting tools, understand the nuances of relational databases, and be able to connect databases to backend programming languages. Developers are also trusted to select the best database for specific projects.


  • Another essential skill that an FS developer should have is web architecture. Companies hire Full Stack developers to handle complex and lengthy projects that require well-structured and planned code, database, and file systems.


  • The ability to create documents and understand development methodologies such as SCRUM/Kanban, among others, distinguishes an FS developer from a regular programmer. Previously, this job was assigned to project managers or SCRUM masters, but with Full Stack developers in the game, this is a required skill for a full-stack developer.


  • Git is an open-source repository hosting service that is accessible via the web. It is a version-controlled system that allows developers to see the changes made by collaborative coders. It also aids in the maintenance of architecture and structure, as well as the testing and removal of bugs. Another skill that an FS developer should have is knowledge of Github and other services.


  • Understanding basic algorithms and data structures aids in improving code quality. A mastery of branches, hash tables, stacks, heaps, and procedures is required.

Hope this article was helpful for your career journey. To advance your coding skills, you can enrol in the top full stack software development course in Mumbai, become a certified developer.