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What is a hybrid working model and why you can use it?

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What is a hybrid working model and why
you can use it?

Working at your own pace and at leisure is something that every
employee prefers. Day-to-day functions are easier and the companies
receive greater output from their employees.
Hence, even after the COVID-19 pandemic, the hybrid working
arrangement is yet on every company’s agenda. Many companies
became good hybrid work model examples by replacing traditional
working models.
This blog will take you through the evolution of the hybrid work model
and the benefits it offers. We will also provide an overview of how
Employer of Record services or International PEO services can help
your business grow using this hybrid work model.
What is a hybrid work model?
A hybrid work model is a combination of remote working and in-office
work adopted by the employees. Every company has its own hybrid
model based on its needs. Occasionally the employees have the
freedom to design their in-office and work-from-home schedule. The
typical nine-to-five working hours along with the long commute
associated with it was no longer the routine for the majority of the
employees. There is no set structure and no ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it
comes to hybrid working.
Emergence of hybrid work model
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a huge shift in the way of working
globally. Remote working was the best choice for many companies to
keep their business going.
While adopting the newer technologies and working remotely,
employees kept looking for flexibility and for a better work-life balance.
Companies noticed high productivity when employees entered the
remote working and work from anywhere trend.
It showed improved efficiency and enhanced employee satisfaction at
the same time. Various businesses understood the benefits of remote
working and started inculcating them in their in-office working model.
Hence, a hybrid work model can offer various growth opportunities for
small and medium-sized enterprises to flourish in India.
Limitations to hybrid working
When we look at the bigger picture, transitioning frequently between
in-office and remote mode can cause many discrepancies in the work
environment. Every employee has their own work schedule divided
into office and remote mode. Such erratic work schedules can affect
the overall effectiveness and productivity of a particular team in a long
In addition, employers have to keep their IT infrastructure updated. A
lot of remote and hybrid functions depend on high-tech apps and
require constant upgradation.
As per a recent survey conducted by the company TeamLease, over
58% of organizations will move back to complete in-office working
mode by the end of the year 2022. After analyzing this switch, it is
understood that humans need a social infrastructure and a certain
work ambiance to function efficiently. These conditions are fulfilled in
an office setup rather than a housework setup.
Current scenario of hybrid working in India
Businesses are experimenting with a hybrid work model even after
everyone is moving to normalcy post-pandemic. The switch for them
from 100% in-office to hybrid working has been seemingly simple.
In spite of a few setbacks, 73% of services and companies in India,
still plan to adopt a hybrid work model as per the 2022 India Office
Occupier Survey. It is needless to say that the hybrid work model is
here to stay.
Below we throw light on many obvious benefits to hybrid work models,
for the employees and the employer as well.
Benefits of hybrid work model
● Increased productivity
The old age outlook that ‘seating in the chair’ in an office, indicates
productivity is no longer followed. Hybrid working and remote working
has removed the physical monitoring of work and boiled it down to
results, deliverables, and time management using various software
● Increased employee satisfaction and work well being
The hybrid work model has helped employees maintain a work-life
balance. The hybrid work model offers flexibility due to which
employees can freely focus on learning, growth, and self-development
at work and in their personal life.
● Skilled workforce at reduced costs
With no geographical barriers, there is greater availability of a skilled
workforce for employers in hybrid working environments. Companies
can hire talented individuals at reduced costs. Hiring a larger
workforce is anytime favorable than asking employees to relocate to a
new location.
● Reduced cost of infrastructure
This is particularly a perk for employers. With lesser or no employees
in the office due to hybrid work model, it reduces the overhead costs
associated with logistics and infrastructure.
Building hybrid working teams the Remunance way
We at Remunance, understand that business is different and at times
requires additional services for successful business expansion in
India. One such service can be providing support to remote teams in
India to work in a hybrid model.
Remunance can set up an office in India and help employees to
function in a hybrid work model. You can definitely reach out to us and
gather a better understanding of the range of services that we offer.