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The root canal a tiny passageway that branches off from beneath the top of the tooth. The passageway moves vertically downward until it reaches the tip of the root. Teeth have between one and four root canals.

When is a Root Canal Treatment Needed ?

Many types of tooth infections can cause inflammation and infection inside of the soft tissue of the root canal. Decay from untreated cavities, poor dental hygiene, periodontal disease, and a traumatic injury are common causes that without treatment, can spread to the root canal containing blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues. A root canal can prevent the need for a tooth extraction in most cases.

A diseased inner tooth can bring a host of problems, pain and sensitivity. If left untreated, the infection can spread, causing small pockets of pus to develop. This can lead to abscesses and further health problems. In serious cases if left untreated, the infection of the tooth can spread to other parts of the body, and sometimes be life threatening.

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What is Root Canal Procedure ?

Root canal treatment is a common procedure with a high rate of success. Root canal therapy is designed to save the problem tooth by preventing an extraction. The root canal process usually entails one to three visits. The dentist may need to perform an x-ray of the infected tooth to decide the treatment plan appropriate for the next steps.

After the treatment plan is discussed, the root canal specialist will drill a small hole through the top of the infected tooth to reach the inner chamber. The inner chamber of the tooth is then cleansed and disinfected. The canals are reshaped after being cleaned.

The cleansed and reshaped canals are filled with an elastic material and medication that is designed to prevent infection. In most cases, a temporary filling will be placed on the tooth to close the opening. The temporary filling will be replaced with a permanent crown protect and restore the tooth to be fully functioning. Most patients who have a root canal completed by a root canal expert experience little or no discomfort or pain.

Please visit here to know more in detail: https://www.firstpointdental.com/root-canal/