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ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a kind of mental disorder in which an individual may have a problem in focusing their attention on a single thing and also some people face difficulty in regulating their emotions or problems. ADHD can happen to both children and adults but it is most common in children between the age group of 6 to 12. This disorder may occur due to genetic problems or due to environmental factors. ADHD is more common in boys rather than in girls. In boys problem of ADHD is three times more than in girls. Some children may take this disorder to their adulthood too and some people get to know about this disorder in their adulthood.

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Symptoms of ADHD

ADHD has a lot of symptoms. Some common symptoms are mention below:

Facing problems in Focussing or Concentrating on a single task.

Facing difficulty in sitting idle.

Easily forget things.

Easily distracted.

They get bored in a few minutes of starting a task.

Face difficulty in understanding details.

Interrupt the conversation or other activities.


Too talkative rather than too active.

If you see any of these symptoms then your children may have ADHD. So consult your doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms may vary because it depends on the ADHD you have.

Type of ADHD

ADHD is divided into three categories, listed below:

1. Predominantly inattentive  

In this kind of ADHD an individual faces these problems:

Forget things easily.

Unable to focus on a single task.

Easily distracted.

Could not organize the thing.

Looks like they are not listening when you are speaking to them.

Girls are mostly affected by this disorder.

2. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive

In this type of ADHD an individual faces these problems:

Talking Nonstop.


Inappropriate behavior and comments.

Interrupt the conversation or other activities.

They can’t sit still during dinner or in school.

3. Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive  

In this type of ADHD an individual shows both types of symptoms as the name suggest. In this type of ADHD, an individual cannot able to pay attention, drains energy without doing anything.

The treatment of ADHD depends upon the type of ADHD you or your child has.

Treatment of ADHD

There are two methods to treat ADHD behavioral therapies and medication.

Behavioral therapies

This treatment is known as first-line treatment for those who have mild symptoms of ADHD. This therapy includes Psychological therapy in which your child gets training, how to interact with people and also they get to talk with a person who will understand your children problems help them to solve them.


Medication is the second step to treat ADHD and it is very helpful because the medication directly affects the brain which helps you to control your actions and emotions better than before.


If ADHD is not treated it may cause serious problems in your life. It may affect your family, friends, and relationship. So it is important to cure this disorder as you get to know about this.


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