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Email blasts are an important factor in email marketing. They bring a lot of benefits for you if done rightly. An email blast is a single email message that is intended to send to the larger audience on your email list. It turns out to be amazingly effective when you are looking forward to getting web traffic for your blog, and your product promotion.

Here the question arises of what actually an email blast is, and how to do it rightly. Stay tuned for the detailed discussion.

Table of Contents

  1. What is an email blast?
  2. How to rightly send an email blast?
    • Use email marketing automation software
    • Clean your email list before sending an e-blast
    • Write an engaging email copy
    • Mention a clear-cut CTA
  3. Send your email blast

What Is an Email Blast?

An email blast or e-blast is a message that you send to a larger group of recipients. The term “email blast” seems to be unsolicited, so there are other terms that are used in its place such as bulk emails, mass emailing, email campaigns, etc.

Email blast

Email blasts lack something like personalization features, and send to all and sundry to increase sales. Notably, it was started by Gary Thurek, who earned $13 million in sales. Since then, many marketers are trying this technique to earn much-needed capital.

How to Rightly Send an Email Blast?

No marketing strategy is helpful for your business until you put some effort to make it compatible. The same is the case with the email blast. Sending a message to a larger group can be quirky at the same time when the recipients don’t feel it right. Here are some of the measures that you can take to do your email blast rightly.

Use Email Marketing Automation Software

First of all, you need to choose an email marketing software that allows you to send an e-blast. There are many in the market such as Moosend, Mumara, Mailerlite, etc. that provide you with brilliant features.

Among the aforementioned tools, Mumara is somewhat more sophisticated that allows you to use readymade templates for your email campaigns, tracking pixels to monitor the activity of the users on your online store, and real-time analytics.

Clean Your Email List Before Sending E-blast

email list cleanup

It is important for you to send your email campaigns to active people in your email list. For that reason, keep an eye on the analytics, and monitors the spam complaints, unsubscribes, bounces, etc. remove these contacts from the email list to improve the deliverability and better return on investment on your email blast.

Write an Engaging Email Copy

When you sit to write an email copy for your email campaign, you need to focus on certain factors. First of all, write an attractive email subject line, a catchy email preheader, and a meaningful email copy. Apply the technique of storytelling and capture maximum eyeballs.

Mention a Clear-Cut CTA


Don’t ignore the power of a CTA. A call to action is something that shows a way forward to the reader. Here, you need to make sure that doesn’t mention various CTAs, because they will confuse the recipients.

Send Your Email Blast

Before you send your email blast, make sure that the email is well-written, and up to the mark. If there is any issue in the content or design, don’t send it. Invest some more minutes to find the lacks and improve them before you send the email blast. Happy sending!


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