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What is an Example of Digital Transformation?

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Today, the competition among different companies is immense, regardless of how big or small they are. They strive daily to be better and more robust than their competitors. Many things are done to achieve this, but the key for any organization to stand out is accepting the concept of digital transformation and adopting new technologies.

Be it a startup or a well-established brand; digital transformation can significantly change the face of any business. In today's world, there is nothing worse than using outdated technologies, which makes it even more challenging to catch up with the latest trends. 

Businesses either adopt new technological innovations or get outdated. Surviving in this competition is a game, and the rules are pretty simple. One of the best ways to win is to adapt to everything new and make the best use of it. 

What Exactly Is Digital Transformation?

A dramatic business change is known as digital transformation since it has a massive impact on the possibilities of digital technology. Not only does it improve the company's operations and protocols, but it also adds value for buyers. A brand can easily stand out by implementing an effective digital transformation strategy.

Benefits of Digital Transformation

Implementing some effective strategies can help take your company to the next level when transforming digitally. It will not change just one aspect of work but will have an all-rounded positive effect.

Here are some of the top-notch benefits of digital transformation. Let's explore!


  •  Improved Data Gathering

Running a company means having to deal with vast sums of data. Still, all this data is useless until and unless utilized for purposeful research. The only possible way to collect such a huge amount of data effectively and use it for digital intelligence is via digital transformation. Through this highly beneficial transformation, various processing and functional sub-divisions in a company can seamlessly convert primary data into valuable information. 

  • Effective Resource Administration

Information and resources are combined through digital transformation to create a set of business tools. It combines corporate assets and lessens contractor overlap in replacing decentralized information and tools. Digital transformation combines multiple applications and databases to provide one single location.

  • A Perspective towards the Consumers through Data

The best way to understand what a customer wants is with the help of data. When you know what your clients want, you can develop better plans and strategies that are more customer-centered. This can help you improve your business's results by using personalized customer data, social media metrics, etc.

A Closer Look at the Examples of Digital Transformation

There are many digital transformation examples that one has in mind, but if it comes down to mentioning one of the best ones, it would be Adobe. A company primarily used some of its products to either photoshop pictures or PDF files. In 2008 the company faced a significant crisis which led to its switching from a license-based to a subscription-based model. They also made some substantial changes to their service offerings.

On the other hand, in digital transformation, they bought an e-commerce platform, Omniture, and a web analytics firm, i.e., Magneto. The company further focused on improving and enhancing staff morale, improved employee work culture by investing money in it, and enhanced talent retention. 

Lastly, they also created a document and information-based business model that could track and evaluate the company's overall growth and performance. All this led to Adobe gaining more advantages over the competitors in the market, and it holistically changed the entire company. 

Wrapping Up

This was all you needed to know about digital transformation strategy that would have undoubtedly helped you understand digital transformation in-depth. One cannot truly grow, fit into today's world and evolve unless one strengthens the digital arm of their business firmly. Implementing an effective digital transformation strategy is the need of the hour, and you consider all aspects of the process before kick-starting it.

This is precisely where an offshore development company like Capital Numbers can help you. With their award-winning services and seasoned technical teams, they help you establish a solid online presence and stay ahead of the curve. Connect with their professionals today and learn more!



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