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Email marketing is undeniably effective; it can generate up to a 4,200 percent return on investment and is six times more effective than tweeting at garnering clicks.

However, sending emails manually will prevent you from reaching the full potential that email marketing offers. It is extremely time-consuming and email open rates vary greatly, based on factors ranging from when this email was received to whether or not it is personalized. If you distribute emails manually, you may not always be available to send them at the ideal time in order to spark interest in your audience. You may also not have the time to customize the subject or body of each email for each recipient on your distribution list.

You'll save your team a lot of time and work by automating email distribution, and you'll be able to reach out to potential customers at the correct moment. This article describes how email automation works, why it's useful, and how to include it into your marketing plan.

What is automation in sending emails?

Email marketing automation, often known as email automation, is the process of sending emails to many recipients automatically, tracking data about who opened them, and tailoring the content for each possible consumer. It ensures that each receiver receives the appropriate message at the appropriate moment, increasing engagement and lowering costs.

Email automation needs to be integrated with other sales and marketing tools to get the best results. By integrating with customer relationship management (CRM) software that keeps track of customer data and preferences, you can automatically customize the content of email messages based on relevant data such as For example, a customer's purchase history.Email automation can also be used in conjunction with marketing analytics solutions to track things like who opened an email and who clicked on links within it. These integrations and features go far beyond what you can achieve just by automating the sending of messages.

Email Marketing Automation in Practice

Think of a marketing team that needs to engage a group of prospects located in various time zones. Thanks to automation in the sending of emails, the team can schedule emails so that recipients in each time zone receive them at a time of day when they are most likely to open them. In addition, the team can personalize the content of each message by incorporating the recipient's name in the subject, as well as mentioning a local event in the body, depending on the region in which each recipient is located.

Advantages of automation in sending emails

Automation in sending emails enables a number of opportunities that would not be available with manual email sending:

Scalability – When email marketing is automated, reaching thousands of potential customers is just as easy as a dozen.

Higher ROI: Automation in sending emails allows you to take full advantage of the spectacular ROI that is specifically available through email marketing. On average, the ROI of email marketing is 122%, although it can reach 4200%, as noted above.

Increased engagement: Marketers who use email sending automation to deliver emails at optimal times, such as when recipients first sit down in the morning to check their inboxes, are better positioned to achieve higher levels of customer engagement.

Efficiency: By removing the need for marketers to manually prepare and send each email, automation makes email marketing much more effective.

Automation campaigns for sending emails

Email automation can be used to support a number of goals and address common marketing pain points.

Maturing of prospects

The maturation of potential customers, caring for and strengthening relationships with the people who have entered your sales funnel as potential customers, is essential to maximize conversion rates. Companies that excel at maturing prospects get 50% more sales while spending 33% less.

Email marketing is a great way to mature prospects in all phases of the sales funnel and stay in touch with them until the sale is closed. You can send follow-up emails when a prospect first fills out a web form showing interest in your product, and send more emails when a prospect has completed a call from the sales team or watched a product demo.

Manually maturing a prospect via email takes a significant amount of time and effort. Most sales teams lack the resources to craft a personalised email every time someone signs up to learn more about your product. However, thanks to email automation, it is now very simple to send personalised emails efficiently.

Creating email campaigns with the right tool

Email automation is an efficient way to get the most out of email marketing without spending a lot of time writing and personalizing emails. It increases engagement and improves ROI by making email marketing more scalable. Higher a good Digital Marketing Agency to resolve your email problems easily.

Marke to Engage has all of the tools you'll need to get the most out of email automation.

This solution fuels your emails with all your marketing data and provides easy customer segmentation, so you can tailor emails to each potential customer. It also includes built-in testing features to optimize email marketing effectiveness. And because it doesn't require a lot of custom programming, it allows you to engage with customers via email whenever necessary, without having to wait for the programming team to generate the automations you need.

Author Bio

Anji Kahler

Anji writes for Technical, Digital marketing, and SEO-related topics additionally; she has had a passion for the technology industry for more than ten years, Anji has become an experienced technical writer in this industry. She works in an Amazon Marketing Agency Called Winalll. Her goal is to help people with his vast knowledge to assist them with his best suggestions about different activities: Seo Updates, Digital marketing updates.