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What is closed rhinoplasty? | A brief overview

The decision to have your nose corrected needs to be well thought out. After all, the nose dominates the outer appearance of the face. A change in the nose has a significant impact on the attractiveness of your face and your entire personality. In addition to the external shape, your nose has several essential functions. Several other aspects are therefore also important when treating your nose.


Of course, the following descriptions and recommendations can vary significantly between individual practitioners.

Why do both techniques have the same chance of success?

Most renowned surgeons believe that equally good results can achieve with both techniques. An advantage of one or the other method can never be proven in a study. The expertise of the individual surgeon plays a much more significant role than the choice of approach. Statements that one technology is superior to the other must view critically.



How can breathing through the nose be improved during nose surgery?

The three most important factors that can restrict nasal breathing are:

  1. constricted nasal valves
  2. a deviated nasal septum
  3. enlarged nasal conchae

Narrowed nasal valves are a common problem. You can quickly check for yourself whether this critical point is involved in your restricted nasal breathing: If, for example, you spread the inside of your nostril open on both sides with a cotton swab and can breathe better when taking a deep breath, this can indicate narrowed nasal valves. It can be enhanced if the nostrils are sucked in when inhaling deeply.

The surgical correction of the nasal valve is technically demanding. An important innovation was the description of the so-called “stairstep graft.” It is an innovative and effective method to correct the nasal valve through closed access. Cosmeticoplasty brings you the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Pakistan since we have one of the best rhinoplasty services in Lahore for precise results.


Another critical factor influencing nasal breathing can be a deviated nasal septum. This vital structure can often be straightened using gentle techniques and without packing.

The turbinates can also interfere with breathing through the nose. These structures humidify and warm the air in the nose. They, therefore, have an essential function for well-being. The established techniques of the turbinates include laser canthotomy, radiofrequency treatment, and purely submucosal bone resection. The purely submucosal bone resection is particularly gentle because no blood-perfused tissue is removed or destroyed.


How can tamponades be dispensed during nose surgery, and when will the swelling go down?

 We can prevent open wound surfaces using gentle techniques. In this way, bleeding after the operation can be minimized as much as possible, which means that nasal packing is also unnecessary.

When swelling occurs depends on many influencing factors. Swelling is usually less pronounced

  1. in first operations
  2. with closed access
  3. in operations with minor corrections to the bone
  4. with gentle techniques

After an initial operation, you can often be socially acceptable after about a week to ten days. The swelling is, of course, still noticeable to you and then decreases by about 80% within the first ten weeks and by about 90% within the first year.


 When can I play sports or wear glasses again after nose surgery?

You can usually resume light physical activity after two weeks. You can then gradually increase it in consultation with your therapist.

You can wear glasses again after about two to six weeks, depending on how significantly the bridge of the nose has changed in that area.

Meet Your Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Mustehsan Bashir

Dr. Mustehsan Bashir is the founder of Cosmeticoplasty; he is not only a competent and skillful surgeon but also a compassionate professor and a dedicated researcher. He is exceptionally experienced in surgical and non-surgical procedures, including rhinoplasty (nose surgery), eyelid surgery, facelift, liposuction, fat
grafting, fillers, and anti-aging procedures for skin rejuvenation. He is also very passionate about creating awareness for burn prevention, and he is leading a campaign to educate school children about burn precautions and first aid. With more than 16 years of experience in surgery, he promises to deliver nothing less than the best. Cosmeticoplasty brings you the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Pakistan since we have one of the best rhinoplasty services in Lahore for precise results.


Liquid or non-surgical Rhinoplasty Cost

The Price of Rhinoplasty in Pakistan varies according to the condition of the nose. Liquid or non-surgical Rhinoplasty can cost around Rs.60,000 to Rs.75,000 depending upon the demand and condition of the nose.




Surgical Rhinoplasty Cost

Surgical Rhinoplasty can cost around Rs.100,000 to Rs.200,000. Cosmeticoplasty provides over 95% Success Rate of Rhinoplasty in Pakistan.


Please Note: These prices cover the additional expenses such as anesthesia fees and medicines used during the surgery.