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A more integrated software delivery method than a siloed software delivery approach is provided by the DevOps lifecycle. Products and upgrades are deployed in a continuous, rather than a rigid, linear, manner. Because they work as a team, each member should be familiar with all stages of the lifecycle, from initial conceptualization to analyzing software quality and comprehending user experience.

Watch this DevOps Course video on YouTube to learn more about DevOps.

DevOps teams collaborate as a team throughout the development process, including stages such as planning, developing, delivering, and monitoring:

  • During the planning stage, the team determines the problems they want to tackle and how they intend to solve them.
  • Next, they'll design the greatest possible product by using a testing or production environment—either a simulated environment or a selection of real-world customers to evaluate the updates before they're widely disseminated.
  • The product will then be distributed to a larger audience.
  • Finally, they will constantly monitor performance and feedback in order to incorporate it into future iterations and product upgrades, which will return them to the planning stage.