1. Business

What is EPR registration and what are its benefits?

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EPR registration for plastic waste management is a policy that makes producers responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products especially for recycling, take-back and final disposal.

The extended producer responsibility or the EPR encourages manufacturers and importers of products to be accountable for the plastic waste generated by their products. The main motto behind this is to make the manufacturers responsible for managing their products’ environmental impact even after they have been sold and consumed by users.

The Plastic Waste Management rules in 2016 under the Environment Protection Act 1986 outlines manufacturers, importers and brand owners to fulfill their EPR obligations. It includes setting up collection system, establishing recycling facilities and promoting awareness about plastic waste management.

Benefits of EPR registration for plastic waste

  1. Minimum environmental impact: EPR registration for plastic waste management reduces the ecological impact. When plastic waste is effectively managed it minimizes the impact of ecosystem, wildlife and human health. Recycling and the proper disposal of plastic waste also contribute to minimum green house gas emissions pertaining with plastic production.
  2. Conservation of the natural resources: EPR motivates the producers to adopt policies that optimize resource use and promote recyclability. This results in conservation of valuable resources like energy, petroleum and water.
  3. Saves costs: EPR compliance leads to long-run cost savings for businesses. Proper waste management minimizes pollution related expenses and resultant fines because of non adhering to the regulations.
  4. Market benefit: Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of sustainable initiatives when choosing services and products. By adhering to EPR regulations, entities can gain a leading edge and stand out in the domain by showcasing their commitment to environmental conservation.

Guidelines by Central Pollution Control Board for EPR compliance

  1. Registration: Producers must register themselves with the central or state pollution control board as per the guidelines. The registration ensures that businesses are accountable for plastic waste. 

  2. Collection and segregation: Producers should establish collection centers or tie up with the authorized agencies for collection and segregation of plastic waste. This ensures that the waste is properly managed and sent for recycling.
  3. Recycling infrastructure: The registration encourages businesses to invest in recycling infrastructure or collaborate with recycling partners to make sure the proper disposal of plastic waste. This helps converting plastic waste into reusable materials, minimizing the burden on landfills and contributing a circular economy.
  4. Reporting: Business entities need to regular report to central or state pollution control board for demonstration compliance with EPR regulations. They need to provide all the required data on quantity of plastic waste generated, collected and recycled. This data help in monitoring profess and tracking areas that need improvement.

EPR registration for plastic waste management is important for businesses to combat environmental challenges pertaining to plastic pollution. By taking responsibility for entire lifecycle of their products, the entities contribute to sustainable future.

also read What is The Importance of Plastic Waste Management?




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