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Glaucoma Treatment

The eye cannot be the thing it could be later treated when there is a symptom of anything unusual it is advisable to consult the ophthalmologist to save your vision. Of course, as the age grows your eyesight will be getting affected and this thing couldn’t be changed. According to the survey, millions of people who are above the age of 60+ are getting a serious eye problem called Glaucoma. Several studies and researches are going on Glaucoma treatment but still, this is one of the common eye problems people are experiencing when they are getting older. 

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that ends up damaging your optic nerves and this happens by the accumulation of fluids in front of the eye. The accumulated fluid increases the pressure of the eye and that affects the optic nerves. In general, your eyes will secrete a fluid called aqueous humor constantly, and when the new aqueous is formed, the fluid that is inside your eye will get drained off. This is the routine but when this fluid is not drained off completely that gets accumulated which creates pressure inside your eye that slowly damages your optic nerves without knowing.  When you take glaucoma there are two types in it, Open-angle glaucoma, if the aqueous humor didn’t get drained as much as it should (like a clogged drop) it starts to build the pressure. This is one of those common glaucoma types and it will gradually increase so the eyesight changes won’t get observed at first. People with sensitive optic nerves have a higher risk of getting such glaucoma. No kind of signs and symptoms could be found in the early stage. Closed-angle glaucoma, they are also called angle closure glaucoma. It happens when the drainage angle is closer to the iris if the iris blocks it the fluid accumulation occurs quickly so the optic nerve damage also occurs rapidly. This type of glaucoma is a kind of medical eye emergency. In the initial stages, there won’t be any symptoms so there is a higher chance of becoming blind thus proper Glaucoma treatment is essential.

Other types of glaucoma,

There is some more uncommon glaucoma that includes, Secondary glaucoma, this type of glaucoma will be seen in people who have health issues like diabetes mellitus or cataracts. Because of it the eye pressure will be inclined and thus is said to be secondary glaucoma. Normal tension glaucoma, even though your eye pressure is under control but any of your optic nerves or your vision has blind spots that can cause glaucoma. Pigmentary glaucoma, the iris is a colored part of an eye when a small part of it gets into the fluid that is inside your eye there the drainage canals will be clogged. 

Symptoms and signs of closed-angle glaucoma

  1. Blurry eyes
  2. Nausea and vomit
  3. Severe headache
  4. Rainbow colored rings

How we could help you?

The Glaucoma treatment includes diagnosis, medication, eye drops, and surgery to lower the eye pressure. Diagnosis, getting a proper eye test is essential when you have crossed 40 because the chances of getting glaucoma increase as age grows. According to the study, almost 2.7 million individuals are getting Glaucoma after 40. But general eye tests couldn’t diagnose Glaucoma because normal eye tests they going to check for your vision only and in the earlier period of glaucoma you don’t have any vision issues. The severe optic nerve damage brings your attention so it is advisable to take a glaucoma test from an ophthalmologist there they used to conduct the below tests,

  1. Eye pressure measurement test
  2. Check for optic nerves
  3. Check for the eye’s drainage angle
  4. Check for peripheral vision
  5. Check for corneal thickness

Medication, glaucoma cannot be stopped but it could be controlled by taking medication and proper Glaucoma treatment. The ophthalmologists suggest you with an oral medication that could help you only in improving the fluid drainage and minimizing the fluid secretion from your eyes.  Eye drops will be prescribed to increase the drain flow or reduce the production of fluid but proper consultation is required to avoid further nerve damage. The eye drops may cause irritation, redness of the eye, and blurred vision they are common. Surgery, it will be recommended for restoration of the vision there are three kinds of laser surgery that will be done in Glaucoma cases that are

  1. Trabeculoplasty helps in draining the fluid.
  2. Iridotomy, this surgery makes a tiny hole in the iris and through that, the accumulated fluid oozes out by this the pressure inside will be reduced.
  3. Cyclophotocoagulation, a middle layer of your eye will be treated to minimize the production of fluid to keep the pressure in control.

For people having open-angle glaucoma, the flow of fluid gets increases and in closure angle glaucoma the blockage will get rectified so that the fluid accumulation will not occur. You can also take a consultation about Glaucoma treatment with an opthalmologist if you have any doubts they are ready to help you all the time.

Tips to continue with glaucoma  

  1. Leading a life with glaucoma is not a simple thing because you are risking your vision still, if you want to then reducing eye pressure becomes essential but this is possible by doing regular exercise. Because through this you could increase the blood flow to the optic nerves which might reduce its damage.
  2. A healthy food diet is a hidden secret to a healthy life so take antioxidant-rich foods because the study revealed those antioxidants can help people who have glaucoma.
  3. Proper medication is vital skipping even one dose can make your Glaucoma worse so set a reminder and try to have it according to the prescription.
  4. Limit taking caffeine, according to the study one cup of caffeine will elevate your eye pressure for the next 90 minutes so consider it if you are a Glaucoma patient. 

The Glaucoma treatment could save your vision by taking a proper ophthalmologist consultation after particular age taking a chance on your sight is not at all a good thing so plan for your next eye test as soon as possible. 

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