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What is Inside an Ayahuasca Ceremony in Pucallpa, Peru

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Ayahuasca Ceremony in Pucallpa, Peru

Experiencing an Ayahuasca ceremony in Pucallpa, Peru, offers a profound and transformative journey deeply rooted in the traditions of the Shipibo people. These ceremonies, held by a traditional Shipibo family, provide a unique and authentic opportunity to explore the depths of your consciousness, heal past traumas, and connect with the spiritual realm. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the entire process, from preparation to the aftermath of the ceremony, offering insights into what you can expect and how to navigate this profound experience.

About Our Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Our Ayahuasca ceremonies are conducted in complete darkness every second day, adhering to the ancient traditions of the Shipibo. The ceremonies take place in a sacred space called the Maloca, beginning at 6:30 PM, with the ceremony itself starting at 7:30 PM. This structured approach ensures a safe and supportive environment for participants to undergo their plant medicine journey.

1. Preparing for an Ayahuasca Ceremony

Preparation is a crucial aspect of participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony. Around 5 PM, the shamans begin preparing the Maloca to ensure everything is in place. Typically, there is one shaman for every two guests, ensuring personalized attention and care throughout the night.

Essentials for the Ceremony

Each participant is provided with a pillow, a blanket, mapachos (traditional tobacco), a lighter, paper towels, a light, and water. These items are essential for comfort and convenience during the ceremony. Additionally, each participant receives their own purge bucket, a vital component of the Ayahuasca experience.

Pre-Ceremony Gathering

At 6:30 PM, guests and shamans gather in the Maloca to relax and assist each other in final preparations. The shamans will check on each participant's mental and physical state, emphasizing the importance of openness about any discomfort or pain. This openness allows the shamans to address potential issues during the ceremony.

2. Opening of the Ayahuasca Ceremony

The ceremony begins at 7:30 PM, with a single candle illuminating the Maloca. The maestros (shamans) open the ceremony by connecting with Mother Ayahuasca and the plant spirits, seeking their assistance. They also cleanse the Maloca of negative energies and protect the participants.

Drinking the Medicine

Participants are called forward to receive their cup of Ayahuasca. It is encouraged to share your intention aloud before drinking, although private intentions are also respected. After consuming the medicine, participants return to their mats, and the Maloca is plunged into darkness, signaling the start of the journey.

3. The Plant Medicine Journey

The effects of Ayahuasca typically begin to manifest 30-40 minutes after ingestion. The maestros start singing their Icaros, powerful chants that communicate with the medicine and guide the participants through their journey. Each participant receives individual attention through these chants, helping them navigate their unique experience.

Individual and Collective Experience

Participants are encouraged to remain focused on their intentions and avoid interacting with others, except for seeking assistance from the shamans. The ceremonies can last between 3 to 6 hours, depending on the guidance from Mother Ayahuasca. A facilitator who does not drink the medicine is always present to assist with logistics and ensure safety.

4. Post-Ceremony Reflections

The end of the ceremony is not marked by a specific time; it concludes naturally as each participant's journey winds down. The maestros' Icaros may resonate into the early morning hours, providing comfort and guidance. After the ceremony, participants and shamans sleep together in the Maloca for protection and support.

Morning After the Ceremony

As the sun rises, participants can freely move around. This is an ideal time for silence, meditation, and journaling. Reflecting on the experiences of the plant medicine journey is crucial, and it is important to allow the insights to emerge naturally without forcing any understanding.

5. The Role of Icaros in the Ceremony

The Icaros, or healing songs, are an integral part of the Ayahuasca ceremony. These chants, sung by the maestros, help guide the participants through their journey, offering protection, insight, and healing. Each Icaro is unique and tailored to the individual's needs and intentions.

Healing Power of Icaros

The Icaros are believed to communicate directly with the Ayahuasca spirit, enhancing the medicine's effects and helping to navigate the spiritual realms. Participants often report profound emotional and spiritual insights during the Icaros.

6. The Importance of Set and Setting

The set (mindset) and setting (environment) are critical factors in the Ayahuasca experience. A positive and open mindset, combined with a safe and supportive environment, can significantly enhance the benefits of the ceremony.

Creating a Safe Environment

The Maloca is carefully prepared to ensure a safe and sacred space for the ceremony. The shamans' presence and the support of the facilitators help create a sense of security, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the journey.

7. Personal Intentions and Goals

Setting personal intentions is a vital aspect of preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony. These intentions guide the experience and help focus the participant's energy and attention during the journey.

Crafting Intentions

Participants are encouraged to reflect on their personal goals and what they hope to achieve through the ceremony. Whether seeking healing, insight, or spiritual growth, clear intentions can enhance the Ayahuasca experience.

8. Physical and Emotional Preparation

Preparing physically and emotionally is essential for a successful Ayahuasca ceremony. This includes following dietary restrictions, practicing mindfulness, and addressing any emotional issues that may arise.

Dietary Guidelines

Participants are advised to follow a specific diet leading up to the ceremony, avoiding certain foods and substances that may interfere with the medicine. This preparation helps to cleanse the body and mind, creating a receptive state for the Ayahuasca.

Emotional Readiness

Emotional preparation involves being open and honest about any fears, anxieties, or unresolved issues. Sharing these with the shamans can help them provide better support during the ceremony.

9. Integration After the Ceremony

Integration is the process of incorporating the insights and experiences from the Ayahuasca ceremony into daily life. This step is crucial for long-term healing and growth.

Practices for Integration

Participants are encouraged to engage in practices such as journaling, meditation, and therapy to help integrate their experiences. Support from the community and ongoing communication with the shamans can also aid in this process.

10. Respecting the Tradition

Respecting the traditions and customs of the Shipibo people is fundamental to participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony. This includes understanding the cultural significance of the practices and honoring the wisdom of the shamans.

Cultural Sensitivity

Participants are urged to approach the ceremony with humility and respect for the Shipibo culture. This includes adhering to the guidelines provided by the shamans and participating in the ceremony with an open heart and mind.


An Ayahuasca ceremony in Pucallpa, Peru, is a transformative journey that offers deep healing and spiritual growth. By understanding the process, preparing adequately, and respecting the traditions, participants can fully embrace the profound experiences that Ayahuasca provides. Whether you are seeking healing, insight, or a deeper connection with the spiritual realm, an Ayahuasca ceremony with a traditional Shipibo family is an unparalleled opportunity for personal transformation.

