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What is involved at an end of lease cleaning process in Perth?

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Perth is a beautiful city, with plenty of things to do, but you can’t enjoy the sights if your apartment is dirty. The best way to keep it immaculate is to hire an expert cleaning service when you move out of your place. End of lease cleaning Perth involves vacuuming carpets and mopping floors; dusting blinds and windows; washing down kitchen appliances, and wiping down all surfaces with disinfectant so that no germs or bacteria remain behind.

end of lease cleaning Perth
end of lease cleaning Perth


Dusting is the most important part of an end of lease cleaning process. It’s also one of the most overlooked steps, which is why it’s important to get everything done right at the start. Dusting includes:

  • dusting shelves, tops of doors, and top of the fridge
  • dusting cupboards (especially those with sliding doors)
  • cleaning light fixtures and mirrors

Cleaning the Kitchen

You should start with cleaning the walls and cabinets. The next thing to do is clean the floors, oven, microwave and fridge. Then you need to remove all food items from your kitchen drawers so that they can be cleaned thoroughly.

Finally, vacuum all surfaces of your home in order to get rid of any dust particles that may be present on them as well as any stains or marks left behind by spills etc..

Cleaning the Bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom is the most important part of the end of lease cleaning process for a tenant. The bathroom should be cleaned thoroughly, as it’s where you take care of yourself and your family.

The sink should be cleaned with hot water and soap, then dried thoroughly so that no bacteria remains in it. The toilet bowl should also be rinsed with hot water before being wiped down with disinfectant wipes or cleanser tablets (depending on what type). You’ll want to use these products sparingly because if they get into any crevices around sinks or toilets, they’ll cause an infection later on when someone uses them again!

The shower stall needs thorough cleaning too — all around its edges including grout lines between tiles as well as underbody parts like taps etcetera (but not necessarily floorboards). There will likely also be dust particles around doors since people leave things such as towels behind them during washing days so make sure those areas are swept out well before moving onto other rooms

Vacuuming and Mopping

Vacuuming and mopping are the most important parts of an end of lease cleaning Perth process. In order to get a good result, you will have to do these jobs well.

Vacuuming is the process of removing dust from your carpet by using vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter. The main thing here is that it should be done regularly so as to remove all kinds of dirt, which includes pet dander (i), pollen (ii) or even lint from clothes dryer drum (iii). It’s also important not only because it reduces allergy but also improves your health keeping healthy indoor environment for yourself and family members living there with you!


Cleaning the oven racks is a vital part of any end of lease cleaning Perth process. This is because they can be damaged by grease and food crumbs, which are left behind after cooking. The racks should also be cleaned to remove any cooked-on stains that may have occurred during use and prevent them from being repeated in future. As well as this, it’s important to ensure that they’re free from dust so they don’t become covered with dirt over time.

The oven door gasket can also need attention if there’s been an excessive amount of wear on its surface due to frequent opening or closing over time (e..g., when someone opens their oven door often). These types of issues can cause buildups inside your new appliance including dirt and grime which will eventually damage its performance level — so it pays off not only financially but physically too!

Windows and Curtains

  • Dust, vacuum and wipe down windows with a soft cloth.
  • Wash curtains in warm water using a mild soap solution or bleach solution if needed.
  • Clean blinds with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dirt, dust and grime. If you have pets, use pet-safe cleaners that are designed for use on animals as they may contain chemicals that could harm them if ingested by humans or pets alike!

Book your end of lease cleaning in advance

The first thing you should do is book your end of lease cleaning in advance. This can save you money and time, as well as getting a better quote.

There are many reasons why booking ahead is a good idea:

  • You’ll be able to get an accurate quote from the cleaning company based on their experience with similar properties to yours. If they have never cleaned this type of property before, they will need more time than if it’s been done before by other companies who have done it many times before; therefore making your quote less accurate than if someone had done exactly what was needed for your home at some point within the last few years (or even months!). This means that there might be additional costs involved with hiring them because their estimate was based on incorrect information about how long it would take them to complete certain tasks because they didn’t know what kind of job had been done previously at other properties similar in size or layout etc..


Like Cleaning Service Group is the best company for End of Lease Cleaning Perth. Like Cleaning Service Group has been in the business for over 11 years and we are committed to providing our clients with a reliable and fully insured service. We offer professional cleaning services at an affordable price, so there’s no need to worry about any DIY jobs!


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