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What is Jasmine Tea Exactly?

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Jasmine green tea is made by scenting green tea with delicate jasmine flowers. The base for jasmine tea is green tea, which follows the standard processing methods. When making jasmine tea, jasmine blossoms are allowed to be in touch with green tea, allowing the green tea to infuse all the fragrances and the sweet floral taste of jasmine.

Making jasmine green tea is a lengthy process.

  • First, green tea leaves are picked when they are fresh and fragrant.
  • Then they are allowed to dry, depending on the type of tea they are willing to make. It could be green, white, oolong, or black tea.
  • Then the made tea is stored for a few months until the jasmine buds bloom.
  • The jasmine flowers bloom during late summer when the temperature is high. Jasmine is a flower that opens up its petals during the night.
  • Farmers usually pick the jasmine buds when the petals are tightly closed during the day. This ensures that the scents in the jasmine blossom remain within it. Another method is to pick jasmine flowers at night, expecting the flowers to exhale their highest scent level when they are open.
  • When flowers are picked, the flowers and green tea are placed together in a controlled environment, ensuring that no other odors are mixed with the two. When dried, green tea contains around 2–3% moisture. So with the help of this moisture, they quickly absorb the scent of the jasmine flower.
  • The process can continue in repeated cycles until green tea absorbs the expected level of jasmine fragrance.

Jasmine green tea gives a pale yellowish brew to the teacup with a lovely floral and sweet taste, along with the gentle fragrance of jasmine. The tea will deliver the health benefits of green tea and jasmine, wrapped together with its excellent flavor. With many jasmine green tea benefits, it has become one of the most famous tea beverages in the tea world.

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