People frequently assume that Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage is only for those with lymphedema when they first hear about it. Despite having a well-earned reputation as a type of medical massage therapy, Lymphatic Drainage Massage has recently gained popularity among many different massage enthusiasts due to its numerous advantages.
What Is Massage For Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
MLD is a sort of specialized massage that helps the lymphatic system subtly keep the body's fluid balance, blood flow, and immune systems in working order. Lymph, a fluid mixture of water, proteins, immune system components, waste products, and other byproducts of cell metabolism, is present throughout the system's network of capillaries and nodes. Lymph nodes, which remove material, are located all throughout the body, with particularly sizable concentrations in the neck, armpits, and groin. Before returning to the circulatory system, the lymph must travel through as many of these large groups of lymph nodes as feasible.
An expertly educated massage therapist applies a series of gliding, compressing, stretching, and cupping motions to the client's body during a lymph drainage massage. Lymph can flow smoothly through tissues and lymph nodes thanks to the mild, rhythmic movements that stimulate the lymphatic system without constricting the vessels when massage oil is not used. In order to ensure that no lymph is trapped somewhere, MLD moves through the body in a certain order.
History Of Lymphatic Drainage Massage
The history of lymphatic drainage massage MLD dates back to the 1930s, when Emil and Estrid Vodder, a Danish husband and wife duo, created the strokes and order of what they named Lymphology. It immediately gained popularity in France and was accepted as a viable option for treating lymphedema brought on by cancer chemotherapy and radiation. Its efficiency is supported by several studies and papers. Offshoots and variations of the original Vodder technique were created as MLD gained popularity, giving clients more alternatives. German professors Michael and Etelka Foeldi constructed a clinic in the 1970s to provide medical care and train therapists. French physician Bruno Chikly refined the techniques at his Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) school in Arizona to handle issues other than the lymphatic system.
Why Get A Massage For Lymphatic Drainage?
Given its benefits for detoxification and aesthetics, lymphatic drainage massage is now used by both men and women as part of their beauty and wellness regimens. MLD supporters assert that the massage technique is useful for a wide range of diseases, including pain relief, digestion disorders, hormonal imbalances, cellulite, skin conditions (including acne and rosacea), allergies, headaches, and a lengthy list of other problems. Additionally, it is utilized to lessen edema and remove anesthetic waste products from the body after cosmetic surgery. For skin care, regulating seasonal allergies, detoxification, jet lag, and general stress relief, MLD has become a well-liked spa service. There is even a specific MLD kind for facial rejuvenation.
Do I need Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
You might be wondering if MLD is suited for you and why lymph drainage would be preferable to a more conventional massage. It goes without saying that traditional massages, like Swedish or deep tissue massages, are the best for your muscles, joints, nervous system, and attitude. Going a step further, choose to get a lymphatic drainage massage. Following an illness or injury, a period of extreme stress, or the changing of seasons, you might desire to cleanse the tissues of your body. Your vitality is revitalized by MLD's emphasis on detoxification and purification, making you feel ready to take on anything. See our list of available locations for “ Lymphatic Drainage Massage Near Me” to see the more than 100 places around the U.S. where the Medical Massage Detox network of massage therapists is available.