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What is Much Special about Dom Perignon Brut Champagne?

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Moet & Chandon is the owner of the renowned Champagne label Dom Peeignon. Its roots can be found at the so-called place of origin of champagne, the Abbey of Saint Pierre d'Hauteville in northern France. Following his appointment as the abbey's cellarer and procurator in 1668, the 17th century Benedictine monk Dom Pierre Perignon is associated with creating the drink. The final 47 years of Pierre Perignon's life were devoted to crafting the best wine in the world. Which even graced the tables of King Louis XlV, the Sun King.

The Le Traite de la culture des vignes de Champagne, a book which is still kept in the Abbey of Saint Pierre d'Hautvillers. A book written by Dom Pierre Perignon's protege and successor. Eugene Mercuer, the creator of Mercier Champagne, was the first person to register the Dom Perignon brand name. He then sold the company to Not &/Chandon Champagne, who adopted the Dom Perignon moniker for its prestige cover, which was first introduced in 1937. Dom Perignon and Mot & Chandon are currently a part of the LVMH group.

In a manifesto, Dom Perignon outlines its guiding principles for winemaking. This statement expresses Dom Perignon's dedication to producing vintage wines made from a combination of Chardonnay and Pinot noir grapes. The finest Champagne vineyards are used to create each distinct vintage of Dom Perignon. Contrary to most Champagne growers, Richard Geoffroy preferred to wait for the grapes to ripen gradually instead of harvesting them as soon as they were ready.

The best grapes from a single year are chosen since Dom Perignon Brut Champagne only ever produces a vintage in its pursuit of perfection and education to accuracy. The depth and intricacy of the 2012 vintage make it a standout example of the Dom Perignon style.

Taste Remarks

Nose– White fruit with notes of dried flowers progressively blends with almond and chocolate powder aromas.

Palate – Everything is incredibly precise, tactile, salty, and accented with a smokey, peppery flavour.

After taste– Long-Lasting aftertaste with a light aniseed and peppery spice undertone.

Best served chilled at a temperature of about 10°C. This champagne pair opulent with delicate, mildly sliced foods or is ideal on its own for a memorable event.

Dom Perignon Brut is the perfect champagne to choose when you want to mark a particular occasion or just spend time with the one you love. This delicious champagne has exuberant flavours of violets and sweet white peaches and bubbles nicely. Drink this champagne alone to enjoy the flavours, or pair it with strawberries or other fruits.