1. Food

What is Natto: Health Benefits of Natto

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Have you ever wondered, “What is natto?” If not, you're in for a unique experience! Natto, a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans, offers a distinctive culinary adventure. While its smell and slimy texture might seem strange at first, this superfood is packed with nutrients that can do wonders for your health.

In this article, we'll delve into both “what is natto” and its incredible natto benefits. From its protein-packed goodness to its potential to keep your heart and bones strong, natto has a lot to offer. Plus, we'll share some tips on how you can enjoy natto in your everyday meals.

What is Natto?

Natto is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. During fermentation, a special bacterium called Bacillus subtilis is added to the soybeans, giving natto its unique taste and texture. Speaking of texture, natto has a slimy feel that might take some getting used to, but many people love its distinctive flavor.

In Japan, natto is often eaten for breakfast. It's typically served over rice with toppings like soy sauce, mustard, and green onions. You can also find it in sushi or add it to salads for extra flavor and nutrition.

Besides being tasty, natto is also super healthy! It's good for your heart, bones, digestion, and more. So next time you're looking for a nutritious and delicious addition to your diet, give natto a try!

Nutritional Composition of Natto

Natto isn't just tasty – it's packed with good stuff for your body too! Here's what you'll find in a serving:

  1. Protein: Natto is full of protein, which is great for your muscles and overall health. Plus, the way it's fermented makes the protein easy for your body to use.

  2. Fiber: Want a happy tummy? Natto's got you covered with fiber. It helps keep your digestion on track and can prevent constipation.

  3. Vitamins: Ever heard of vitamin K2? Natto's loaded with it! This vitamin is super important for strong bones and may even help prevent osteoporosis. You'll also find other vitamins like B2, E, and C in natto.

  4. Minerals: Natto is a good source of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals help keep your bones strong and your body functioning properly.

  5. Probiotics: Natto is fermented, which means it's full of good bacteria that support your gut health. A happy gut means better digestion and a stronger immune system.

Natto Benefits

Natto isn't just tasty – it's also really good for you! Here's why:

  1. Heart Health: Eating natto can help keep your heart happy. It contains something called nattokinase, which helps your blood flow smoothly and lowers the risk of clots. This means it can help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check, which is great for your heart.

  2. Bone Health: Want strong bones? Natto's got your back! It's packed with vitamin K2, which helps your body use calcium to build and maintain strong bones. So eating natto regularly can help prevent things like osteoporosis and keep your bones healthy and strong.

  3. Digestive Health: Natto is full of good bacteria called probiotics that help keep your gut healthy. These little guys help with digestion, nutrient absorption, and even boost your immune system. So eating natto can help keep your tummy happy and your body strong.

  4. Weight Management: Trying to watch your weight? Natto can help with that too! It's high in protein and fiber, which help you feel full and satisfied. This means you're less likely to overeat, making it easier to manage your weight and stay healthy.

  5. Immune Support: Those probiotics in natto aren't just good for your gut – they also help support your immune system. By keeping your gut healthy, natto helps your body fight off infections and stay strong against illness.

  6. Antioxidant Power: Natto contains antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium, which help protect your cells from damage. This means it can help reduce inflammation and lower your risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease.


In conclusion, exploring “what is natto” and uncovering its multitude of health benefits reveals a true nutritional gem. From supporting heart health, bone strength, digestion, and weight management to enhancing immune function and providing antioxidant protection, natto benefits are abundant and diverse. So, after discovering the wonders of natto and its remarkable combination of flavor and health benefits, why not embrace this unique and nutritious food as a delicious addition to your diet? With its undeniable virtues, natto truly deserves a place on your plate.