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As someone with a disability, you may have heard of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the various ways it can support you. One of those ways is through Plan Management, a service that can help you manage your NDIS funding and make the most of your support options. If you are looking for Disability Plan Management Perth, this article will guide you on what Plan Management is and how it can work for you.

What is Plan Management?

Plan Management is a service that can help you manage your NDIS funding by paying your service providers on your behalf. It is an option you can choose as part of your NDIS plan and can be included in your plan's funding.

Plan Management allows you to have more control over how your funding is used and can help you access a wider range of service providers. You can choose any service provider who is registered with the NDIS, including those who are not registered for the NDIS.

How does Plan Management work?

Plan Management works by giving you a financial intermediary, also known as a Plan Manager, who will manage your NDIS funding on your behalf. The Plan Manager will receive your funding from the NDIS and pay your service providers directly, following your approved NDIS plan.

With Plan Management, you can choose your service providers, whether they are registered with the NDIS or not. You can also manage your funding and keep track of your expenses through a secure online portal provided by your Plan Manager.

More choice and control

With Plan Management, you can choose any service provider who is registered with the NDIS, as well as those who are not. This means you have more options and can choose providers who best meet your needs.

Better access to services

Plan Management can help you access a wider range of service providers, including those who are not registered with the NDIS. This means you can access services that may not be available through other NDIS funding options.


With Plan Management, you have more flexibility in how you use your funding. You can choose how much to allocate to each service provider and can change providers at any time.

Reduced administrative burden

Plan Management can reduce the administrative burden of managing your NDIS funding. Your Plan Manager will handle the payment of your service providers and manage your expenses, freeing up your time to focus on your goals and needs.

How do I access Plan Management?

To access Plan Management, you need to include it in your NDIS plan. You can request Plan Management when you are developing your plan with your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC). You can also request Plan Management at any time by contacting the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110.

Once you have chosen Plan Management, you will need to select a Plan Manager. You can choose any registered Plan Manager who offers the service, including those based in Perth or other parts of Australia. Your Plan Manager will help you set up your account and provide you with access to their online portal.

How do I choose a Plan Manager?

When choosing a Plan Manager, it is important to consider their experience, expertise, and reputation. You can research different Plan Managers and read reviews from other NDIS participants to find one that meets your needs.

Some factors to consider when choosing a Plan Manager include:

  • Experience with Plan Management and the NDIS
  • Expertise in managing budgets and expenses
  • Access to an online portal for managing your funding and expenses
  • Good communication and customer service skills

You may also want to consider the location of your Plan Manager. If you live in Perth or another part of Western Australia,


Benefits of Plan Management

There are several benefits to choosing plan management as your NDIS plan management option, including:

  1. Increased flexibility – Plan management allows you to choose from a broader range of service providers, including those who are not registered with the NDIA.
  2. Reduced administrative burden – Plan managers can take care of all the financial aspects of your plan, such as paying invoices and keeping records, reducing your administrative burden.
  3. Expert financial advice – Plan managers are financial experts who can provide you with advice on how to get the most out of your funding.


Plan management is an excellent option for those who want to reduce their administrative burden and get expert financial advice on managing their NDIS plan's finances. If you are interested in plan management, it is essential to choose a reputable plan manager with experience in managing NDIS plans. At Access Foundation, we offer high-quality plan management services to help you get the most out of your funding. Contact us today to learn more.


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