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Hi friends, my name is Joaquin and I'm part of the Acid touch Marketing team and today I'll talk to you about PrensaRank.

One of the best platforms for creating quality links, powerful and of course that help to position our website.

PrensaRank is a platform that counts on the inclusion of more than 10 thousand blogs and digital newspapers of different subjects from which YOU CAN BUY articles in group or individual articles of different websites and according to your needs.The cost of the articles can be at least 6 euros (Group Articles) or up to 500 euros and it all depends on the metrics, traffic, age, relevance and country of the website from which you want to buy a review.

And while there are various platforms from which you can buy articles, PrensaRank is in the top 50 SEO platforms and this is because they do not “just accept any website”.For example, let's suppose you have a website that you swear to the four winds that “it is very well positioned” and you ask to include your website in the Prensarank platform.Well, the first thing the Prensarank team will do is to pass through some quality filters your website looking for original content, that has web traffic, that has an excellent authority.If you meet most of these requirements your website will be added to the auction, but if it does not, your portal will not be added to it.

How does PrensaRank work?

Well, now that you know what PrensaRank is I'm going to explain how it works in 2 ways, 1 if you want to buy articles in group or individually or if you want to send your blog for approval.How to buy articlesPrensaRank allows the purchase of items individually or in groups, and it should be noted that individually is much more expensive the item you need to buy, but the backlink generated more powerful.Case 1: Buying in groupsIf you don't have much of a budget, but want to start giving your website a medium quality boost, buying links by group is ideal for you.This type of purchase works as follows: Let's imagine that I charge 50 Euros for an article on this blog, but I tell you that if you are looking for 3 other people who want to have a mention in the same article, you would get 12.5 Euros now.Well, you find 3 other people and each of them pays 12.5 euros to be mentioned in the same article.This is how buying articles in groups works in PrensaRank, but the difference in my example is that here there are already open groups and they will be waiting for 3.2 or 1 more volunteer to close it.

Case 2: Buying individuallyLet's suppose that what you want right now is to give your website a boost of authority and therefore decide to buy items individually.In this case all you have to do is go to the individual blog or individual newspaper tab and that's it, from the list of sites you choose the one you want most.Case 3: Create a groupLet's suppose that for some strange reason you don't find a blog or newspaper of your subject in any of the groups, then you can go to the blog or individual groups and as you saw in the image above it has a button that says “Create Group”.So what you would do here is create the group so that the article enters the auction and starts to be filled by other people.

As we can see so far, prensarank is an excellent platform that will help us generate potential links for our website, but WARNING, it is necessary to learn how to analyze the pages to know if where we are buying will benefit us or not.

Therefore I advise you to buy a tool like AHREF, SEMRUSH or MOZ, to learn how to analyze a web.Original article and in Spanish: https://www.joaquinvelazquez.top/prensarank/