1. Photography

What is product photography, and why is it important for e-commerce?

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In retail shopping, a business can sell its product with the power of persuasion. But with online shopping, there are steps that a business follows to turn an onlooker into a buyer. One of these steps is a detailed product description; another is top-notch and professional product photography.


In the e-commerce industry, pictures are the greatest selling point for a business. A website's design, the theme of product listings, and photos are necessary to highlight a brand's products, features, variety of colours, and minute details. Professional product photography aims to provide a visual description of the product to attract more buyers across the internet.


Businesses must understand the importance of quality product photography to promote their e-commerce storefront. And here is why:


  1. Photos highlight the physical features of the product.


The basic use of professional product photography is to provide a clear and precise picture of the product to the customers. Therefore, a virtual design or an edited or blurred photo never serves as an effective sales method. Instead, the customer wants to see a resemblance between the picture on the website and the actual product.


  1. Professional product photography increases brand value.


For e-commerce businesses to stand out in their respective industry, they need a unique way of branding. This is achieved with the help of professional product photography. Using brand elements to display products is an excellent way to stand out.


  1. Good pictures lead to better sales.


High-end product images will lure a potential buyer into trying out the product. A mere description will turn into imagery that will convert this buyer into a returning customer. Thus, boosting the profits of a business.


  1. Enhances the brand's digital presence


An underrated factor in optimising a brand's online presence is the right use of professional product photography. When a business showcases creativity and pays attention to small details, it reaches higher and higher on appearing searches.


Professional product photography is vital in improving e-commerce as an industry. It is the kind of long-term investment that bears fruits and leads to customer satisfaction and the brand's success.

About the Author:

This article is written by Allan Rufus, Marketing Manager at Shapes Defined, a fully automated studio in Dubai, which specializes in offering high quality ecommerce product photography services. Their photo solutions and services include from HD photography to 360° rotations and 3D interactive animations to business from fashion and apparel, food, sports, electronics, and more.