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The largest organ of your body is your skin. And one would say it is very functional and essential for Low Dose Naltrexone. Your skin is also your identity as you present it to the world and is a part of your everyday interactions. Therefore, having skin conditions like psoriasis can affect the appearance of your skin on various parts of your body, which deems detrimental effects on your self-esteem. Not to mention, psoriasis is also linked to significant health concerns such as heart disease and joint pain.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association presents that with an estimated 7.5 million people having this condition, psoriasis is one of the most prevalent skin diseases in the United States. Even though people of all ages can experience it, the most affected ones are adults between the ages of 45 and 64. The cost of treatment associated with psoriasis is astonishing, with as much as $63.2 billion annually.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by the rapid multiplication of skin cells. The skin cells of a person with psoriasis multiply about ten times faster than normal people. This abnormal growth of skin cells causes scaly and bumpy skin patches that can appear on multiple body parts. However, psoriasis tends to show up as:

  • Scalp Psoriasis
  • Genital Psoriasis
  • Facial Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis on Knees, Elbows, or Lower Back
  • Psoriasis on Hands, Nails, or Feet

Generally, a psoriasis flare-up starts as a red, bumpy rash, and the condition will worsen until the bumps are more prominent and thicker. Then white and flaky scales of skin form on the affected area. With psoriasis, your skin on the affected area can be particularly fragile and inclined to bleed. Many people also experience itching, burning, and other discomforts during a flare-up.

Most people affected with psoriasis will encounter flare-ups or cycles. They might have issues with their skin for a few weeks or longer, and then gradually, the flare-up will seem to get better. While psoriasis can be consolidated in one area, many people will be affected in different places on their bodies. For instance, individuals with plaque psoriasis may be affected around their hairline, but some may also experience psoriasis on their feet or nails.

Types of Psoriasis

There are several types of psoriasis that may share similarities. But each type is unique in how it shows on the skin. Below are some of the most common types of psoriasis:

Plaque Psoriasis

Around 80 to 90 percent of people affected with psoriasis suffer plaque psoriasis. It is characterized by rough and red patches usually covered by scales or “plaques.”

Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis accounts for 8 percent of people with psoriasis. This form of psoriasis appears as small, teardrop-shaped spots of scaly redness. Also, it is usually more common in children or younger adults.

Pustular Psoriasis 

Pustular psoriasis occurs in about 3 percent of instances of psoriasis. It is characterized by painful, pus-filled pimples surrounded by irritated skin, most dominant in older adults.

Inverse Psoriasis 

This form of psoriasis appears near skin folds, such as in the armpits or under the breasts. Around 25 percent of people diagnosed with psoriasis develop this condition.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis only affects 2 percent of people. It is the most severe form of psoriasis, characterized by an intensely painful rash across large body portions and can be life-threatening.

Causes of Psoriasis

Even though the exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, most scientists agree that environmental and genetic factors could be responsible. Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune condition, and despite the type of psoriasis a person has, the underlying mechanics are related to immune method malfunctions.

People with psoriasis of any form have increased levels of pro-inflammatory proteins in their blood which cause immune system responses to produce inflammation and other skin issues.

One essential thing to note about psoriasis is that inward, or outward events can often trigger flare-ups. It is very common for a person to seem to be in abeyance for months or even years. One may experience triggers and see their issues escalate rapidly. Some of the known triggers include:

  • Stress
  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Skin injuries, such as cuts or sunburn
  • Certain prescription medications, such as high blood pressure medication or antimalarial drugs
  • Consuming large amounts of alcohol
  • Dry weather
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke

Although psoriasis can develop in anyone, having parents with this condition increases the risk of developing it. Other factors that increase the risk of developing psoriasis later in life include high-stress levels and being a smoker.

Most Common Treatments for Psoriasis With Side Effects and Low Dose Naltrexone

Unluckily, the currently available treatments for psoriasis are not efficacious. Additionally, several types of treatment for psoriasis are so loaded with side effects that an individual may not be able to endure the treatment. Most medicinal treatments strive to hinder the production of skin cells or soothe the symptoms of psoriasis at the skin level.

Topical Psoriasis Treatment

Certain medications formulated as creams, ointments, lotions, and salves, are usually the first line of treatment after one has been diagnosed with psoriasis. Some topical psoriasis medication examples include:

  • Salves containing coal tar
  • Topical corticosteroids
  • Retinoid-based skin creams
  • Vitamin D analogs

Unfortunately, topical medications have severe side effects as well, for instance, increased risks of skin cancer and increased sensitivity to light. 

Oral or Injectable Psoriasis Treatment

Just 1 in 5 people can control flare-ups with prescribed medications. Many of these prescriptive medications have severe side effects. Hence they are often prescribed for short periods only. Some of those medications include:

  • Steroids
  • Retinoids
  • Apremilast
  • Thioguanine
  • Methotrexate

Low Dose Naltrexone: Immunological Psoriasis Treatment

Immunologic treatment for psoriasis implicates stopping the usual reactions of the immune system. While these immunosuppression treatments can produce positive results, the results are usually short-termed. Research has shown that the immune system finds sidestepping over time when inflammatory pathways are blocked with these medications. This action can also increase inflammatory pathways and worsen problems in other body parts.

But, immunosuppression drugs can have some really intense side effects. Also, their constant use can suppress critical immune system functions that help your body fight off serious illnesses or infections. Immunologic psoriasis treatment can also be very expensive, sometimes greater than $5,000 monthly.

Treatment for Psoriasis with Compounded Solutions and Low Dose Naltrexone

Lately, struggles to examine alternative treatment options for psoriasis and low-dose naltrexone weight loss have been made because standard medications don’t offer a long-lasting solution and have adverse side effects. We used Vitamin B12 and low-dose naltrexone (LDN) are suitable treatments for psoriasis that have been acquiring fame as a feasible way to truly help someone with psoriasis, even with some of the most agonizing cases of the disease.

Vitamin B12

In health care, Vitamin B12 is a topical medication that may help avert some symptoms associated with psoriasis. People with psoriasis often have low folic acid metabolites and vitamin B12. Levels of homocysteine, which is a byproduct produced due to the breakdown of amino acids, are usually higher in people with psoriasis. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are both required to break down homocysteine. Hence, using supplements of vitamin B12 may help relieve some inflammatory symptoms.

Low Dose Naltrexone

Low-dose naltrexone has been proven to be helpful in various different treatments. The antagonist functions by blocking opioid receptors in the brain. This is why it is mainly known for treating opioid overdose or abuse. However, this same action on a smaller scale may also help mediate the immune system response.

Research On Low Dose Naltrexone and Vitamin B12 For Psoriasis

Although scientific research into LDN medication and vitamin b12 cream for eczema for psoriasis is still being done, the beginning results have been encouraging. At Harbor Compounding Pharmacy, we have noticed positive results in our patients using this alternative psoriasis treatment.

A case series in 2015 discovered that treatment with a formula combining vitamin B12, vitamin A, olive oil, cocoa butter, and tea tree oil improved more than 75 symptoms of psoriasis in 12 weeks. A randomized controlled trial in 2017 found that vitamin B12 ointment delivered significant improvements in patients participating in the trial with plaque psoriasis.

As far as low-dose naltrexone side effects are concerned, few studies have found promising results. In 2007, researchers found that LDN topical cream reduced chronic itching due to psoriasis in 70 percent of study participants. In 2018, researchers began to examine the efficacy of LDN in a female patient with plaque psoriasis covering 10 percent of her body. After three months, a significant improvement was seen in her symptoms. After six months, the plaque coverage had reduced to only 1 percent.

A clinical case in 2019 revealed that symptoms of a 38-year-old woman with erythrodermic psoriasis were relieved with a low dose of naltrexone treatment when other medications had failed to show any improvements. Within just ten days of treatment, the patient showed a significant reduction in facial swelling and itching. On the 20th day of the treatment, she showed complete improvement. And at three and six months after starting LDN treatment, the patient showed complete psoriasis remission.

Find Alternative Treatment For Psoriasis At Harbor Compounding Pharmacy 

When you comprehend the underlying symptoms and causes of a disease, you are better capable of finding the proper help. At Harbor Compounding Pharmacy, we aim to operate on the latest research to offer not only psoriasis traditional treatment alternatives that may be more effective but also treatment for other conditions. 

If you are interested to know more about naltrexone for pain and Vitamin B12 treatment for psoriasis, feel free to reach out. One of our pharmacists will help you determine if the alternative solution we have available may work for you and your condition. Further, we can help you request a prescription from your doctor.



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