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Research work is a work of a scientific nature associated with scientific research, research, experiments in order to expand existing and obtain new knowledge, test scientific hypotheses, establish patterns, scientific generalizations and justifications.

Research work is an independent, and often joint with a scientific advisor, student research, revealing his knowledge and the ability to apply them to solve specific practical problems. The work should be logically complete and demonstrate the ability of the student to clearly state his thoughts, reason sentences and correctly use terminology. Of course, this work is much easier than the work of real scientists. But in terms of the structure, the methods used, the planning system, this is a real study.

A research paper is not an abstract or an article by one of the specialists downloaded from the Internet. This is an opportunity to conduct independent research and apply a scientific approach to obtain a result, apply practical skills or acquire new ones to solve the assigned tasks, show the skills of planning your work and analyzing the results obtained.

The knowledge gained in the course of research, gained by one's own labor, is much better remembered. The method, when a student and a teacher put before themselves the questions that were raised by the discoverers of laws in various sciences, and jointly seek answers, attracts students more and forms a desire to further engage in scientific activities.

Research tasks

According to the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard), research work is an obligatory part of a graduate's training. As a result of this work, the student must show the ability to plan his activities, show initiative, adhere to the set research question, analyze the progress of his work and evaluate the results obtained, use specialized terminology, and reflect the results of his (individual) research.

Research stages

Research stages:

1. Choosing a direction of research

2. Choosing a research topic

3. Formulating a hypothesis

4. Planning stages of work

5. Collecting data on the subject of research

6. Conducting research

7. Evaluation of the results

8. Registration of work

Choosing a direction of research and choosing a research topic

Research work begins with a desire to tackle the issue. It is necessary to understand what the research will be about, to realize your strengths as a researcher in the chosen direction, whether it will be useful in future activities. A good research topic is one that interests you and your supervisor. Formulate the topic correctly. The topic should be correct, narrow and clear.

For students in educational institutions of general education, a successful educational research can be considered a repetition of someone's experiment, analysis of a certain methodology, application of the method in new conditions, comparison of methods of different specialists, etc., together with a deep analysis of the literature on the chosen topic.

For students in educational institutions of secondary vocational education and higher education, an important factor is the novelty of the study, its relevance.

Formulating a hypothesis

Formulate a scientific assumption that requires verification and theoretical justification or confirmation. The key research hypothesis should flow from the formulation of the research topic.

Planning stages of work

Make a detailed and structured plan for your work to consistently move towards the research goal. This will help organize your work and make it more focused. In addition, it disciplines and forces you to work in a certain rhythm.

Collection of data about the subject of research

Decide how you will receive the data. There are two methods – empirical and secondary research. Empirical – obtaining data through observation and experiment. Research on secondary sources – speculative conclusion, review and in-depth analysis of the literature.

Conducting research

Proceed with the research according to the chosen research method. At this stage, the work collects the necessary empirical data to test the hypothesis put forward.

Assessment of the results

Completion of the study. You have gained knowledge about how the object of research works, what it is, how it differs from something else that has not been investigated further, what can be a continuation.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the work done for students in educational institutions of general education is the level of mastering the skills of research activities. For students in educational institutions of secondary vocational education and higher.


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