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Student engagement is a buzzword in the education industry that decides how involved a student is in the school or classroom. Whether the students are actively participating in classroom learning or not is what you get to know by being watchful of their engagement levels. If the students attend the classes with utmost attention, rest assured that their hold on the subject will improve, and they will perform well academically. Even the best international school in Nagpur focuses on improving the engagement level of children, knowing that it would make way for a better market reputation.

What is Student Engagement?

It is the level of attention that students give in the classroom. It also refers to the degree of curiosity or passion that students show towards learning that decides how well they do in academics. Furthermore, student engagement can also be the measure of dedication with which the teachers deliver their lectures. If the teacher is incompetent or has a lack of interest and passion for teaching, it will result in decreased engagement levels among students. 

So, during the admission process, parents should emphasize this factor rather than focus on Nagpur school fees. Some aspects that define why it is a significant thing are discussed below.


Importance of student engagement in schools

  • The purpose of education is to raise learned individuals. So, what is the point of schooling if the student doesn't learn any academic concepts? Hence, students must focus on classroom learning and grasp the concepts by heart.
  • Increased attention also helps infuse the right skills in students that the teachers try developing during the schooling phase. For example, if only the students participate in the activities passionately, they will learn teamwork and collaborative working skills. 
  • Higher engagement is significant at the behavioural level as it makes children happy and involved. This way, their whole attention will be on learning, and behavioural flaws, like irritability and stress, are out of the question! 
  • It enhances the competency in students as they would want to perform well and get a better score than their classmates. This competitive spirit that rises in students helps them throughout their professional careers and designs a fruitful life. 
  • Higher engagement is directly proportional to academic scores. It means improving the engagement level of students helps gain an excellent reputation for the school. When the parents see that their performance graph has been improving over the years, they would want to enrol their children in a school benefiting the school monetarily! 

All these factors stress emphasizing the engagement level in children when they are in school. It is something that would benefit students, teachers, and the school. So, educators must work on improving the engagement level of students. 


Ways to improve student engagement

If you closely observe the teaching mechanism of the best international school in Nagpur, you will see that they do a lot to improve engagement levels in the classroom. Some of the things they do and what you can also do are:

  • Plan different activities for students rather than binding them to book learning. These activities include various props that fascinate the children and increase their engagement. 
  • Plan your classroom session in an interactive manner, ensuring to grab the attention of every student present in the class. For example, if you find any student completely cut off from the class, immediately focus on him and try engaging him in the lesson.

With these simple ways and a little more attention, teachers can boost engagement levels. Once the children are fully involved in learning, you will see tremendous growth in their performance.