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What is the best glue for aluminium?

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What is the finest glue for aluminium? When attempting to connect aluminium, keep in mind that aluminium surfaces frequently have a thin, invisible oxide layer. Wiping with a solvent is frequently insufficient if a strong binding is desired. Adhesives attach well to the oxide layer, while the oxide layer does not adhere well to the aluminium. It often appears that the adhesive bond has broken, but a closer inspection reveals that the oxide coating has simply peeled off the metal.

Aluminium (or aluminium, if you prefer) is a soft, lightweight metal with a light grey colour. Most aluminium is alloyed to improve its characteristics. The type of aluminium used will influence bond strength and adhesive selection. For further information on each variety, contact Anglo Adhesives

Keep reading to learn more about adhesive or glue for aluminium: https://www.anglo-adhesives.co.uk/blog/what-is-the-best-glue-for-aluminium/

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