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What is the Best Way to Get Rid and Dispose of a Mattress?

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How do I dispose of mattresses? Disposing of heavy items is always a big problem in the case of a used mattress. Hire 1-888-PIK-IT-UP for the best mattress disposal services in your area – Raleigh. You will be given a two-hour time slot, and we will be ready to pick up your mattress and box spring from anywhere in your home as well as the attic or basement. If you want more information about our services, then contact us now!

Are you considering replacing your old mattress? You will discover that purchasing a mattress online is incredibly simple. However, before you buy a new mattress, you must first determine how to replace the old one. Here are some ideas to assist you with the best approach to get rid of your old mattress other than putting it in the trash.

Schedule a 1-888-PIK-IT -UP appointment at Raleigh near your area. Most of the options for mattress disposal will require a lot of time and effort on your part.

Three easy steps of disposing of mattress:-

Recycle Old Mattress-

You may recycle your old mattress for free in a variety of ways. Many mattress recycling organizations accept old mattresses and reuse or repurpose the working pieces to create new items. You might look for recycling centers in your area that allow old mattresses. Steel, wood, cotton, foam, and springs will utilize to create new items by these companies.

Making a Mattress Donation-

You can also donate your old mattress if it is still in good shape. Look for old sleeping pads that can contribute to local shelters, orphanages, and nursing homes. Some furniture retailers may even give you a discount if you bring in your old mattress.

Getting Rid of Your Old Mattress

While it is simple to find a mattress online, disposing of an old mattress is not as straightforward as leaving it on the front lawn and expecting the garbage collection to come and pick it up. Make sure to check your city's mattress removal requirements. Make a note of any mattress disposal fees that may apply so that you can budget accordingly.

In the end, it's easy with 1-888-PIK-IT-UP. That is why you should make a reservation right now! You only need to upload a photo or a description, set up a time that is convenient for you, and get an estimate promptly! Before we start removing any garbage, we'll make sure you get an accurate estimate. We offer free cancellations up until the removal date if you change your mind. After all, we want things to be as simple as possible for you. It is our responsibility!


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