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The cause of narcolepsy in human beings is still largely unknown. But, we do know that it affects many people. This disorder causes excessive daytime sleepiness, and the sufferer feels sleepy all day long, regardless of how much they sleep. The condition is different from sleep apnea in that the person does not experience a sleeping episode. The narcoleptics experience a sense of sleepiness but have normal alertness levels.

Narcolepsy is difficult to diagnose, and many patients do not become aware of the disorder until years after displaying symptoms. However, some studies have shown that the prevalence of narcolepsy is 180 per 100,000 people. It affects both men and women and affects children as well as adults. In addition to affecting both genders, it often peaks at about age fifteen. In addition, it can negatively impact academic, work, or social performance.

Cause of narcolepsy in humans is unknown. The disorder usually affects people born without any family history of the condition. Other causes of the syndrome are tumors or brain injuries. But the primary cause of narcolepsy is unknown. The disease is a dreadful, debilitating disorder that can severely disrupt a person's life.

Genetics plays a part in the development of narcolepsy. Nearly all people who have the disorder have a gene called HLA-COV-v2. This gene affects the immune system and can increase the risk of developing the disorder seven to 25 times. Additionally, some individuals have additional genes that alter the function of the immune system, which may contribute to the development of the disease. Researchers at Stanford University and SleepMed say that the loss of an HLA-Dx gene causes narcolepsy-associated illness.

The main cause of narcolepsy in humans is a malfunction in the hypothalamus. The brain has many neurons that communicate with each other. If one of these neurons is missing, the person is at risk of sleep disorder. The dysfunction of this brain region can make people feel tired all day and lead to suicidal behavior. Therefore, people with narcolepsy should inform their employers that they have the disorder.

The primary cause of narcolepsy in humans is a deficiency in the gene that produces the hormone hypocretin. This neurochemical stabilizes the wake and sleep states in humans. The problem in humans is caused by a decrease in the production of this neurotransmitter, which is responsible for narcolepsy. The lack of this chemical leads to daytime symptoms and even death.

In humans, narcolepsy is caused by a problem with the REM stage of sleep. During this stage, a person experiences vivid dreams. This stage occurs 90 minutes after falling asleep, and in narcoleptics, REM can occur at any time of the day. A symptom of narcolepsy is the sudden inability to move or speak. This resembles the paralysis in REM sleep, but it doesn't affect breathing. A person with this disorder may also have hallucinations and vivid dreams.

A genetic mutation in the gene causing narcolepsy increases the risk of suffering. Although there is no definitive cause of narcolepsy in humans, it is believed that the disorder is a genetic condition that can be passed on from parent to child. This disorder can be caused by an unbalanced thyroid hormone, an atypical hormone in the human body.

The cause of narcolepsy in humans is unknown. Symptoms include a sleep disorder that causes the sufferer to fall asleep. A doctor will order a multiple sleep latency test to confirm the diagnosis. This test will reveal whether or not the patient is suffering from narcolepsy. But before you have this diagnosis, you must rule out other conditions and diagnose any underlying medical condition causing the condition.

The main cause of narcolepsy in humans is not yet known. It is believed that histamine is the main cause of narcolepsy. It is thought that the body produces more histamine than hypocretin, which is a neurotransmitter. The condition is associated with cataplexy. The symptoms are characterized by a sudden loss of muscle tone and weakened muscles. For more detail about treatment for narcolepsy, visit Dr. Arceo Psychiatric Services.