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Different insurance companies offer different types and levels of coverage for accidental damages. This could affect the outcome of any claims. It is crucial that you understand the definitions of accidental damages before you sign a policy.

A ball hitting the window, or a nail driving through a pipe trying to hang a photo can cause accidental damage. It is possible to fall through the ceiling from high up in the attic. Tenants leaving taps unattended are responsible for a large number of these cases.

Insurance for accidental damage does not cover all.

While accidental damage insurance does cover genuine accidents, the specific incidents covered by each insurer will vary. Accidental insurance does not cover certain things. Content damage

Pets can be destructive

Design or workmanship defect

Construction, alteration or repair can cause damage to buildings

General wear and tear

What can you do to reduce the risk of tenants causing damage?

It is hard to prevent accidental damages. These steps can help landlords reduce the risk of accidental damage:

Refer to references and vet your tenants

To get a better understanding of potential tenants' work and personalities, you and your agent should meet with them.

Establish a strong working relationship between your tenants

Tenants will be happier when you respond quickly to any questions they may have and make repairs as soon as possible.

An intelligent design can help reduce the risk of accidental damage

Consider durability when choosing floor coverings, bathroom suites, or worktops.

You must ensure that your property is in a good condition

This will reduce the chance of tenants trying their DIY.

If you live in an area susceptible to malicious damage, be extra careful

Put up reinforced windows and lock the gate.

Get insurance for accidental damage

The accidental damage claim ireland advises landlords to be aware that accidents can occur. Premier Insurance will cover any accidental damage that may occur. Standard policies do not typically include accidental damage.