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Anyone who has experienced dehydration and dryness knows that sometimes stomach and back pain go together. Two other digestive problems that can lead to back pain, though they are not as commonly discussed, are constipation and ICV dysfunction. There is definitely a connection between dehydration and back pain Scotch Plains you’re suffering.

Hydrating your body by drinking water frequently keeps your body functionality optimum and helps in maintaining the metabolism and energy levels. Lack of water in your body can lead to many diseases and it eventually affects your internal organs like digestive system and kidneys. An adequate supply of H20 really makes a difference to how you feel on a daily basis.

Does dehydration contribute to aches and back pain?

Most people don't drink enough water and this is an issue that should not be taken lightly. If you suffer from dehydration and back pain, it's worth evaluating how much water intake you get on a daily basis as dehydration can have serious damaging effects on the spine.

The discs between each vertebra in your spine are largely made up of water. If your body is dehydrated, the discs are at risk of shrinking which can add pressure on the spinal nerves, resulting in pain and even neurological symptoms.

Relation between dehydration and back pain

Unfortunately, many people suffer from debilitating back pain for years without even realizing that dehydration could be the culprit. As dehydration can lead to a lack of flexibility and joint stiffness, many people can wrongly assume they are suffering from arthritis or another chronic disease, when their bodies are simply lacking water.

The discs in our spine can be viewed as shock absorbers which shield and support the vertical weight of our body. They are made up of proteins, cartilage and water. As your body becomes more and more dehydrated, water is taken from the discs and the discs begin to collapse. This results impotent discs and causes pain and discomfort in your back.


Unfortunately, most people (including many medical professionals) are not aware of the signs or symptoms of dehydration and, and they don’t recognize the connection between dehydration and back pain. The primary treatment is, of course, increasing the amount of water intake.

Secondly, if you don’t get relief even from increasing the number of times you drink water daily, you may consult professional therapists. They can assist you with chiropractic subluxation Woodbridge and other therapies.

Many people who are in chronic back pain try to move as little as possible. They believe that less activity will result in reduced pain. Actually the opposite may be true. People who suffer from conditions that leave them hurting all of the time could possible benefit from physical therapy like chiropractic subluxation.