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What Is The Role Of The Core Curriculum Subjects?

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The core curriculum is defined as the most basic and essential knowledge that a school believes all students, regardless of their age, should have.  It is a good idea to provide a basic foundation for further broadening experience.  English, mathematics, and science are considered to be the core curriculum subjects; whereas, the rest of the subjects are known as the Foundation Subjects.


Curriculum; in general, serves as a main instrument for the all-round development of a student thus developing the social, physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects.  This is why all schools focus on core curriculum and National Public School Vidyaranyapura is one of the best CBSE in North Bangalore with a well-structured curriculum.


The core curriculum provides the students the foundation of knowledge of human cultures, and the physical and natural world.  The core curriculum has principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world.  It also provides advanced intellectual and practical skills that are essential thus forming a route for all learning at present and in the future.


The first step however is the need for analysis involved to develop the core curriculum.  Hence, the role of the core curriculum subjects becomes very vital for any school and any student due to the following reasons.


Critical Thinking Skills (CT): Creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information are included in the core curriculum.


Communication Skills (COM): Consists of written, oral and visual communication for effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas.


Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS): Includes the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.


Teamwork (TW): Includes the ability to understand and consider different points of view and work effectively with others, to support a shared purpose or goal.


Social Responsibility (SR): Includes knowledge of civic responsibility, intercultural competence, and the ability to engage effectively and act responsibly among regional, national, and global communities.


Personal Responsibility (PR):  Includes the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.


NPS Vidyaranyapura’s vision:


Our vision aims at empowering a child-focused environment through various learning opportunities and following the best teaching methodologies.  This aim will help nurture socially responsible people who are independent, knowledgeable, lifelong leaders and learners.


NPS Vidyaranyapura Bangalore has well planned activities for continuous assessment of the efficiency of the students output and achievement and work towards improvement accordingly.


The core curriculum at NPS, the best school in Vidyaranyapura is a guide for learners, providing a great way to tell a student what to expect from a course and what the result would be.


Our goal at NPS School in Vidyaranyapura Bangalore is to continuously enhance teaching and learning methodologies to well-equip our students with the skills they require to succeed once they complete their studies at the school.  NPS, the best school in Vidyaranyapura, provides students with ample opportunities to foster their overall growth.




The purpose of the core curriculum is to provide broad intellectual enrichment through the systematic approach followed.  This develops intellectual skills, creative skills, and ethical values and helps to think and act appropriately based on the situation.