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The salary of a playboy in bangalore is highest in the city with a Guide salary of Rs. 25,000 per month. This is much higher than the India average of around Rs. 8,000 per month, but below the salary of a regular employee in a hotels or a restaurant. Besides, play boys also work long hours many hours each day, making them one of the many, high-earning workers in the city.There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the salary of a play boy in Jaipur can vary greatly based on the location and his level of experience. However, according to elocution.com, the average salary of a pune playboy job is approximately Rs. 7,000 per month. This means that the average salary of a play boy in Jaipur is approximately Rs. 2,000 per day. Finally, it is important to note that the salary of a play boy in Jaipur is largely based on the location and his level of experience, so it is important to seek advice from a professional to ensure that your salary is truly meeting your goals.The average salary for a play boy in Jaipur is Rs. 3,000 a month. They typically work as a domestics for aposh or individual in a ashram or convent.

play boy is a term used in India to describe an employee of a spanking or discipline-based school who is assigned to be in the company's company room. Play boys are generally given to the employees of these businesses for children who are “of a age when he or she is to be used or exposed for any purpose”.

Play boys in India make an average of Rs. 10,000 a real playboy job . This is because play boys are often given to the companies in charge of these schools, for the purpose of spanking or discipline. Play boys often have a difficult time from day-to-day