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Influencer marketing has become a preferred option for influencers to earn money. The competition has become so vast because, in any niche you pick, thousands of influencers fight for brands and visibility.  

Seeing this, every influencer looks for ways to stand out from the crowd. We have a secret for you that can really help you get visible to the brands. 

Have you ever heard about an influencer media kit? If you are an influencer or a content creator, you should definitely work your way out to get one. It is highly necessary since it is a win-win situation for you. 

This article can be really helpful for creators. 

We are going to explain the importance of media kits and the necessary things you need to include. 

What is an influencer media kit? 

A media kit for influencers is a presentation that defines the influencer's past partnerships and performance metrics. A media kit is just the same as a CV that individuals submit to a company for a job. You can consider it a digital portfolio that showcases your work and your strengths. 

Importance of social media kit

Social media kits hold numerous benefits. Here are a few of them which you need to know. 

It looks more professional. 

When you have an influencer media kit, you look more professional as an influencer. It actually makes you look like a boss since it shows that you are prepared, experienced, and enthusiastic about collaborating with brands. 

Easy communication

Working on social media can be really time-consuming. If you are an influencer, you might be reaching out to lots of brands, and even different brands might be reaching out; you need a media kit ready. The kit will have all the information about you, so it will be easy for you to communicate the information with different brands. 

Get better brand deals

Professional media kits will help you get better brand deals, and you will likely score good partnerships with good media kits. If your kit shows the value you bring, it would be helpful for you to bargain more, which will definitely help you get more brand deals. 

It helps you gain confidence

It is really easy to experience self-doubt when creating content and looking for brand deals. Micro or nano-influencers especially experience this. With the help of a media kit, you won't face such an issue. Ensure you put everything in a media kit, and it will help you get in the right mental state. 

What are the things to be included in an influencer media kit? 

The Influencer media kit includes many things. If you want to get the most out of your media kit, write these details in it. 

A short bio 

It is one of the most important parts of your media kit. It will help brands to know more about you and also serve as a first impression. Here, you must include your name, where you're based, what you generally do, your interests, experience, and values. 

Your performance stats 

Numbers matter when you are going for brand deals. It will decide whether you are eligible for a brand for the promotion. There are a few things you must include here- 

  • Number of followers
  • Engagement rates
  • Demographics of the general audience 
  • The average number of likes or comments you get on posts

Your rates

Rates are another essential item to include in your media kit. Ensure that you include them at the end because, before that, you've already shown your worth. It is always a controversy whether to include rates in an influencer media kit. 

The positive aspect of including it is that it shows brands that you expect to be paid for the work. But it can also be a risk because what they are willing to offer might easily meet your requirements since you have written a lower price. Ensure that you properly analyse before including the rates. 

Case studies of brand deals

It's time to brag. It would help if you started by talking about the different brands you have worked with and how long it has lasted. Make sure you are positive the entire time while referring to other brands you've partnered with. 

Photos and contact information

You must include high-quality photos in your media kit, as they will explicate your skills for photography and aesthetics. Once you are done with everything, you must add your contact number. It will help brands reach you. 

Final Words! 

An influencer media kit is one of the important marketing tools for content creators looking to build their careers on social media. You must ensure that you prepare for it with all the contents mentioned in this article. Grow your online presence with a good media kit.