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Autism stem cell therapy is presently under investigation as an experimental treatment. Don't believe it when a facility says you'll see results or that your condition will be resolved with the same stem cell therapy. In actual medicine, results aren't guaranteed, and cures aren't accessible. However, the bulk of these clinics are not FDA-approved, and each clinic or hospital promotes its own approach to care, leaving parents in a state of confusion about how to compare their treatment options.

How did stem cell treatment for brain disorders get started?

The idea of utilising stem cell treatment for autism started with cerebral palsy stem cell therapy and then moved on to metabolic diseases stem cell transplantation.

What role does autism play?

When children are young, language difficulties, coping abilities, and repetitive or inflexible behaviours do not lead to the diagnosis of ASD. The number of autistic children has risen in developing countries; in the United States, the prevalence of autism has climbed from 1 in 125 to 1 in 59 in the last decade (CDC)9. We've reached the point where everyone with a little child knows someone who has an autistic child.

Stem cell therapy for autism or bone marrow side effects

Pain in the mouth and throat. Mucositis is a short-term adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiation (inflammation of mouth sores)

Nausea and vomiting

Hepatic veno-occlusive disease (VOD).

Transfusions and bleeding.

Failure of the graft

Interstitial pneumonitis and accompanying lung complications

Graft versus. Host is a disease that affects both the host and the graft.

What is the theoretical foundation for using stem cells to treat autism?

Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are now being used in autism studies to try to reverse such abnormalities. Unfortunately, none of these treatments addresses the underlying causes of oxygen deficiency and intestinal infection.

Inflammatory and neuro-inflammatory cytokines and the thymus, such as macrophage-derived chemokine and activation-regulated chemokine, have been linked to autism (MDC). Autism has a significant impact on the treatment of mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord tissue (TARC). Many clinical studies have shown that intravenous injection of umbilical cord MSCs reduces inflammation. Autism symptoms may be alleviated by reducing autistic inflammation.