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All over right like where exactly is pain on your body that i'm just trying to picture like what it would be like to have that kind of intense pain like where do you feel pain right like when you're not medicating like buy terpenes where would it be so i feel pain um unfortunately always even when i'm medicating it's kind of the misconception that a lot of times buy terpenes we medicate to no pain but unfortunately the majority of patients medicate to a tolerable level of pain right as much pain relief as we can get um with ehlers-danlos.

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I said it affects everything in my body so every single one of my joints dislocate um even speaking here now you know i have a rib out of place yeah yes but it's just something that with ehlers-danlos syndrome i think that unfortunately that's our baseline and we have to live with constant pain my spine is my worst hit this january i just recently got diagnosed with scoliosis now so i have additional back injuries to deal with and um buy terpenes really just a constant pain you have without your collagen you're dislocating your body wants to fall apart so my body is in the constant muscle spasms to try to hold itself together which in turn causes more pain.

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 and more dislocations so it's kind of just like you're constantly paying just catch up of just pain it's just a constant cycle of what you feel in your body is it's a non-stop situation for regular sense all right so this is this is fascinating to me then so like when you take the arso you're putting it in your mouth you're squeezing it in like a like a toothpaste like a super thick waxy like guitar toothpaste kind of deal right that's kind of what it sort of looks like so it's going into your mouth do you put it under your tongue or do you put it just on your tongue and swallow it um so i just put it like in the back of my tongue and swallow it it's not necessarily like a tincture where like tinctures you want to hold in your mouth for about a minute to help with bioavailability right right um so you just take straight through i think if you kept true terpenes in your mouth it would just glue to your teeth more so you don't want to buy terpenes  do much with it right but yeah and you can also mix it with like mct oil i mix mine with mct oil that's like a coconut oil ability but then also makes it more accessible so you don't have to have that struggle with squeezing it out yeah does it ever coat your throat or anything not too bad honestly for me i just drink water after and i mean it does have a very planty flavor you can definitely taste plant but for me it's like relief so honestly i love the flavor of the cannabis and the hemp plant do you ever comb like combine it with other things like you're you've got the arso in your mouth and then you hit a vape or smoke a joint or something like that at the same time i swallow it


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