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The process of water purification is applied when the available water is not fit for drink or use in household chores. Two types of water sources are used for obtaining water and that are ground water unfiltered or untreated, and purified water or processed water that is removed of impurities.

cheap water filters in Sharjah

For cities like Dubai, Sharjah and other cities in UAE you will need the services of alkaline water purifier Dubai as the water obtained from the ground or ocean tend to be alkaline. Manufacturers have come up with special water purifiers that are designed for the purpose of removing alkaline property from the water. 

What is water purification?

Water purification is the process of removing impurities in water such as unwanted chemicals, suspended gases and solids, and biological contaminants. The process is generally aimed to generate water that is fit for specific purposes. Most water purification is related to drinking water for human consumption but the process can be applied in pharmaceutical industry, medical manufacturers, chemical and industrial applications. General ways of water purification is done by

  • Filtration
  • Sedimentation
  • Distillation
  • Chemical process such as flocculation and chlorination
  • Biologically active carbon or Slow sand filters
  • Ultraviolet light or electromagnetic radiation

Water purification procedures may reduce concentration of any foreign particle including bacteria, parasite, suspended particles, viruses, algae, fungi and huge range of materials dissolved in the water via material obtained from the earth surface where water may have come in contact with. This usually happens when it rains.

Drinking water quality is decided by government agencies or by international norms. These norms will usually set minimum or maximum concentration of impurities or contaminants for the water that is to be made use of for the above mentioned processes. 

Water purifiers for both domestic and industrial use are manufactured and installed to filter water to remove the above impurities so it can be used for drinking or used in a process such as pharmaceutical manufacturing. Purifier water is required to make various drinks such as sodas, beverages, soft drinks and other consumable drinks.  

How water is treated?

The following procedures are used in water purification

  • Pumping and containment – pumping normal water and sending through pipes or holding tanks is the first step. The tank material should be chosen properly so they do not allow contaminated water seep in to the stored water.
  • Screening

This is used to filter out large debris like leaves, sticks, rubbish and other large particles from the environment. This is an important phase of filtering or screening so the debris does not interfere in the next process. Deep ground waters need not to be screened because they are already filtered.

  • Storing method

Water from rivers is stored in bank side storage pits for a period of few weeks to few months and let it filter out impurities by natural biological purification. Water storage reservoirs are important during temporary draughts or keeping a balance on water supply. 

How domestic water filters purify waters

Various techniques are used to purify water to remove micro-organisms, solids, organic and dissolved materials. Purifying drinking water at your home is done by water filters manufactured by several companies like Kent, Eureka Forbes etc. what kind of technology is used in these water filters or water purifiers. Currently there are the reverse osmosis water purifying methods is used in most water filters for domestic purifying and this technology is added with new technologies such as 

  • Nanotechnology
  • Acoustic nanotube technology
  • Aquaporin inside technology
  • Automatic variable filtration
  • Digitization
  • Photocatalytic water purification system

RO technology is the best water purifier for homes and institutions

The reverse osmosis or RO technology water purifying is the most effective and is used in most water purifying apparatuses. The domestic RO water purifier is powerful enough to remove all types of impurities from the water before it is supplied for drinking.  It is also the best of the membrane based water purifying technique and homes. It is advised to install Whole House Water Filter Sharjah if you are planning to install water purifier for obtaining drinking water or for cooking. 

Filtering systems vary between domestic water purifier and public water storage for human consumption, irrigation, medicine manufacturing, and other manufacturing process that require filter of water before it is put in to use or introduced in to a process or task. If you want home based whole house water filters you can trust Al Hayyat, UAE to supply them for you.

The company not only supplies water filters based on RO system and also for larger water consumption for institutions and manufacturing industries. You can get in touch with them on phone numbers +971 6 5633764, +971 6 5633765 or send mail to info@al-hayyat.com to chat about your requirement and get a free quote. 



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