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Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), usually known as heart bypass surgery, is a major heart surgery. This surgical process is typically used after the diagnosis of a heart artery blockage. In addition to artery blockage, heart bypass surgery addresses various other issues as well.


In this blog, Dr. Sujay Shad- the best bypass surgeon in Delhi, will discuss some of the top-notch issues addressed by coronary artery bypass. So be patient and read the blog carefully to understand more about the procedure.


What is Heart Bypass Surgery?

It is a major heart surgery performed by a cardiac/heart surgeon. Surgeons majorly consider this invasive procedure when the patient is diagnosed with more than 80% or more than that heart’s artery blockage. The surgeon forms an alternate pathway by typically using the leg's longest artery to make the supply of blood to the heart uninterrupted. In addition to artery blockage, bypass surgery also addresses the below mentioned medical conditions:

  • Chest pain

Chest pain is an alarm for an upcoming heart attack. It occurs when the heart has to work harder to pump the blood. Failure of valves and blockage of arteries play a crucial role in chest pain. CABG treats this discomforting situation, if it is unable to correct it, by making changes in lifestyle and medication.

  • Prevention from Heart Failure 

A heart attack is a medication condition that may sometimes cause death by heart failure. CABG protects one from such life-threatening situations. This surgery creates an alternate pathway to keep the blood circulation intact. This pathway doesn’t get affected by artery blockage and prevents the heart from being in a situation where it is unable to perform perfectly. 

  • Improved Heart Function


Coronary artery bypass surgery improves  heart functionality in people with coronary heart disease (CHD) and other heart conditions. It lowers the risk of heart failure and other complications. In some cases, it improves the survival rate for people with CHD, particularly those who have multiple blockages or other high-risk factors.


Ideal Candidate for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery 

An ideal candidate for CABGs is one:-

  1. Whoever is diagnosed with multiple blockages that cannot be treated with less invasive procedures such as angioplasty or stenting.


  1. This surgical procedure is recommended for people who have blockages in the left main coronary artery, which supplies blood to the left side of the heart.


  1. CABG may be recommended for people with diabetes, who are at higher risk of complications from CAD and may benefit more from the long-term benefits of CABG compared to other treatments.


  1. People with poor heart function or heart failure may benefit from the improved blood flow and reduced workload on the heart provided by CABG.


Additionally, CABG may be recommended for people who have other high-risk factors for CAD, such as smoking, high blood pressure, or a family history of heart disease. 

In order to learn more about the treatment or get it successfully performed by an experienced doctor, meet Dr. Sujay Shad- the best heart doctor in Delhi, at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.