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The majority of modern experts concur that the most effective mosquito prevention strategies combine physical barriers that keep mosquitoes away from you with repellents applied to your clothes. Mosquitoes have raised concerns all over the world as they are harmful to your health. Mosquito-borne illnesses can range from the exceedingly dangerous and occasionally fatal Zika to dengue fever and malaria.

It is so important for people to take measures to prevent dengue fever and other diseases by using sliding mosquito net doors or mosquito nets for windows in their daily lives.

How to prevent the entry of mosquitoes into your living space?

1. Install sliding mosquito net door

Net doors are a brand-new style of door created to keep mosquitoes out of residences. Mosquitoes can transmit infections from one individual to the other during epidemics. Pests and viruses will never enter your house through the tiny openings in the net because the mesh is composed of strong, durable fibers that provide a gap only for fresh air to flow through. 

2. Repellant candles and sprays

There are several mosquito and insect repellents available in the market in the form of sprays or incense sticks. The sprays can be sprayed at the area which is the breeding ground for mosquitoes while the candles and incense sticks can be burned in the common living space to kill mosquitoes. 

3. Electric bug traps

Electric bug traps use electricity to electrocute bugs and kill them. Flying insects swiftly perish when they collide with an electrical grid. Electrical insect killers must be placed 25 feet away from locations with a significant number of human interactions to avoid accidents.

4. Home remedies

A mug of coffee will help repel mosquitoes! Coffee grinds can stop mosquito larvae from forming when they are sprinkled in places with stagnant water which you simply can't manage to clear off. Other methods include the use of aromas or sprays released into the air to repel insects. In these products, pesticide allethrin is a typical constituent.

5. Clear up the breeding ground

Make sure to remove debris, like trash piles and decomposing timbers, as certain mosquito species place their larvae in moist soil. Since a mosquito only needs a week to develop from an egg to an adult, eliminating any stagnant water on the land. Therefore, do not forget to clean up the gutters of dust and debris and still water as it can help cut down on the number of mosquitoes.


The potential of a mosquito-transmitted sickness is what gives these creatures a reputation for being fatal. It is very necessary to incorporate different methods of mosquito prevention based on your needs. There are several factors that will help you decide what kind of defense you want to use like durability, economic value, harm to the human body, etc.

The above article sheds a light on the various control for mosquito prevention that is effective and is used by the public in general. The sliding mosquito net doors or mosquito nets for windows are one of the finest prevention methods as it uses the least amount of toxins and chemicals and is also very long-lasting and budget-friendly. Along with this, you should always maintain a clean environment around your living space. This includes cleaning out trash and debris and making sure there is no place where water is collected.


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