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What Kind of Activity to Try Wheelchair?

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Maintaining Mobility: Exercises and Activities for Reclining Wheelchair Users  

We understand that using a wheelchair can sometimes make it tricky to stay active and involved. But don't worry, with the right exercises and activities, individuals in reclining wheelchairs can still enjoy the perks of moving around, connecting with others, and feeling great overall. Exercise doesn't have to mean hitting the gym or competing in sports, although those can be fantastic choices. Physical activity can take many forms and occur in various settings. The key is to select activities that boost your heart health and muscle strength. Let us dive deeper to explore different exercises that can be done while still in your wheelchair.  

Why Getting Active Matters? 

When you're using a reclining wheelchair or a wheelchair with commode seat in particular, engaging in cardiovascular exercises that get your heart rate up can be more challenging. Pushing or maneuvering a wheelchair can also strain specific upper body muscles, increasing the risk of strains and injuries. To navigate your wheelchair comfortably in your daily life and reduce the likelihood of these issues, consider incorporating muscle-strengthening exercises into your routine. 

The choice of activities you choose depends on your physical abilities and personal preferences. Your goals could be getting better at everyday tasks and boosting your overall fitness, to even trying out some competitive or creative sports. No matter how you feel about your physical capabilities, there are activities out there that can help you feel healthier and happier.  

What Kind of Activity to Try?

Getting a good workout for your heart and overall health while in a wheelchair is totally doable. Here's the deal in simpler terms: 

  • Cardiovascular Exercise 

You have various options to get your heart pumping while in the best reclining wheelchair. 

The goal is to make your heart work harder and get a bit sweaty. You should be a bit out of breath, enough that you can talk but not belt out a song. If you're new to exercise or haven't done it in a while, start with 10-minute sessions and gradually work up to 20 minutes. Some ideas include:  

  • Swimming  
  • Seated exercises 
  • Specific wheelchair workouts 
  • Racing in a wheelchair (either in a studio or on a track) 
  • Using a rowing machine made for wheelchairs 
  • Wheelchair sports like basketball, netball, or ba
  • Muscle-Strengthening Exercise 

When it comes to strengthening your muscles, pay extra attention to certain ones. Pushing a wheelchair a lot can make your chest and shoulder muscles tight and prone to injury. On the flip side, your back muscles can become weaker because they aren't used as much during pushing. To prevent injury, focus on exercises that target the smaller muscles supporting the pushing motion, like shoulder muscles. You can also strengthen your back by doing exercises that involve pulling, like pull-ups. Gyms with equipment designed for best reclining wheelchair users are great for these exercises. Some people in wheelchairs also find they can strengthen their muscles at home using resistance bands.  

Tips to Get Started 

Here's some easy-to-follow advice to kickstart your fitness journey: 

  • Before you jump into any exercise program, it's essential to chat with your doctor. They can give you personalized guidance and make sure the activities you choose are safe for you. 
  • Start with gentle exercises and gradually ramp up the intensity. This helps your body adjust and lowers the risk of injuries.  
  • Consider teaming up with a physical therapist or an experienced trainer who knows about wheelchair workouts.  
  •  Create realistic goals based on what feels comfortable for you.  
  • Consistency is key to reaping the rewards of exercise. Aim for regular workout sessions each week rather than sporadic bursts of intense activity. 
  • Pay attention to how your body reacts during exercise. If something feels wrong or causes pain, stop immediately and consult a professional. 
  • Find activities that genuinely interest you. Try different options until you discover what you enjoy the most. 

Remember, everyone's fitness journey is unique, so don't compare yourself to others. Celebrate each small accomplishment and embrace the process of staying active in the best reclining wheelchair. 


Remember, we're all one of a kind, so it's crucial to discover exercises or activities that you truly enjoy. Also, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist for personalized suggestions that take your abilities and limits into account. If you're looking for wheelchairs, there are many organizations that can deliver a variety of wheelchairs right to your doorstep, including comfy wheelchairs with commode seats. 

So, embrace your uniqueness and explore what keeps you moving!