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Celebrities and bodyguards go together like peanut butter and jelly. Although not every A-lister has a security squad, the rise in celebrity attacks, robberies, and estate break-ins has forced the majority of them to hire bodyguards. If only singer Selina, actress Adrienne Shelly, and musician John  Lennon had hired  The Best celebrity bodyguard services, Los Angeles, to guard them, they could still be alive today. 

Although most people would agree that celebrities need bodyguards, what exactly is required to keep a star safe? The greatest celebrity bodyguards adhere to a few fundamental principles, but the answer is not simple. 

Celebrity Bodyguard Do’s and Don’ts 

Focus on Service 

What do a waitress, a hairdresser, and a bodyguard for a superstar all have in common? They will continue to wait in the unemployment line unless they offer superior service. Although it is their main focus, bodyguards are often not considered to be in the service industry. Whatever their prominence as celebrities, bodyguards must prioritize the demands of their clients. 

Pay Attention to Detail 

Paying close attention to even the smallest details is part of the focus on providing exceptional security service. What setting does your client prefer for the air conditioning? How do they prefer to respond to requests for autographs and paparazzi? What stresses them out? Would they prefer close personal protection, such as having their Bodyguard walk alongside them, or discrete protection, such as having their Bodyguard walk behind them? What can you do to improve their comfort? Every celebrity bodyguard should be able to respond to these questions. 

Constant Awareness 

Professional bodyguards are also knowledgeable about nearby emergency services. Once on the job, they remain conscious of their surroundings since they are aware that things might change suddenly. 

Don’t Fly By The Seat Of Their Pants 

Excellent bodyguard services include proactive protection in addition to reactive security, such as screening threatening fan mail, pulling down websites with graphic depictions of the celebrity being beaten, and removing unauthorized social media posts. 

Don’t Get Too Personal 

Now and again, you’ll see in the headlines, “So and so celebrity dating bodyguard.” Even though it’s said that “love knows no bounds,” the greatest celebrity bodyguards know when to stay on brand without going overboard. It doesn’t entail romance, yet there is a closeness that comes with giving protection. Professionalism is essential, and familiarity can occasionally exude contempt. 

Don’t Reveal Too Much 

Many of us have made social media such a common part of our lives that we have forgotten the actual risks connected to a celebrity’s actions. Celebrity bodyguards are responsible for both their clients’ safety and privacy. Sharing excessive amounts of information online or with loved ones might put them in needless danger and should be avoided at all times. 


Here we have mentioned the benefits of hiring a security guard if you are a celebrity. To know more, Citiguard is your answer for all. Give us a call or drop a message to know more.  

