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A set of procedures and actions carried out for responding to and resolving critical issues are referred to as incident management. It involves the detection of how incidents were communicated, which tools were used, who was responsible for it, and the steps taken for resolving the issue.


These processes are used by many industries. The incidents that may require incident management may include IT system failure, events for critical maintenance of the physical structure, traffic incidents, and many more.


In this article, you will be able to know about the incident management process and the services provided during this procedure.


Important steps or services provided during the incident management process are:


Identification And Categorization Of The Incident


Identification of incidents is usually made using reports provided by users, analyses, and manual identification. Once an incident has been recorded, it can move to the identification and categorization phase. Categorization involves determining techniques to handle incidents and prioritizing response resources. 


Notification And Escalation


Alerting of incidents takes place in this step. However, the timing may differ depending on how incidents are categorized or identified. If the incidents are minor, they can be logged, and notification may be sent without an official alert. Escalation depends on the categorizations of the incidents and who is responsible for the response. If the incident can be dealt with automatically, the escalation can be transparent. 

Investigation And Diagnosis


Once an incident is reported and assigned, the concerned staff can start investigating the type, reason, and possible solution for an incident. After the incident is identified and reported, you can select the appropriate remediation steps. This includes notifying any relevant staff, customers, and operators and pointing out any possible disruption in the services. 


Resolution And Recovery 


As the name suggests, these steps involve the practical implications to eliminate the threat or the root cause of the incident. After eliminating the cause of the problem, next up is the restoration of the system back to its full functioning condition. Depending on the severity and span of the incident, resolution, and recovery may take time and several steps to make sure the incident won’t occur again. 


For example, if collective collisions occur every other day in a mixing lane road. You can not just clear the road every time and get the traffic going without knowing the reason and some permanent solution to stop the recurring accidents.


Closing Incidents 


Once the incident is resolved and full recoveries are made, proper incident management asks you to close the incident professionally. The closing step involves complete documentation and evaluating the steps taken to resolve the incident. This step is more retrospective in nature and helps the teams to self-reflect and make the process better for the next time. 


The closure process also helps the teams to identify areas of improvement and take proactive measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.


Incident Management Best Practices 


Whether it be an IT sector incident, management, or traffic incident management done by a towing company, emergencies are best dealt with urgency immediately. This means you need to stay on top of the game and have to deploy the best practices of incident management. Some of these include;


Easy Accessibility 


Make sure that the service desk is promoted to the end-users heavily to ascertain they know what to do and whom to contact in emergency situations. Also, ensure to offer multiple channels such as email, mobile app, website, and direct calling to report an incident. Incident logging becomes easy and effective with the placement of a multi-channel IT desk. 


Effective Communication Strategy 


Incident reporting should not be the only step that involves the end-user. Make sure to inform about the solution and methods used to resolve the issue. The best practice is to send a follow-up email and then the final mail stating the nature, reason, and type of solution used to clear the situation. 


Automate The System


Try your best to automate all the possible tasks to reduce the manual work. One thing every incident management system can do is automate the email responses and follow-up system. These automated notifications will help the incident manager, agents, and end-users stay informed. Thus, your incident response system will become efficient and take a step closer to being effective. 


Train And Motivate Your Agents


Your incident management team is the core to the success of your response. Yes! Having quality and updated equipment helps a lot, but it’s the skilled personnel that makes the difference. So, invest in their training and skill development. 


Set clear goals, and communicate KPIs (key performance indicators) clearly. Keep the team motivated with appraisals and incentives. The morale of the team plays an important role in providing quality services and improving end-user satisfaction.



Incidents are special situations and need extra vigilance to counter them. May it be the IT sector incidents or roadside incidents, effective and efficient incident management is the only way to go. Following the best practices to make the incident management services swift, relevant, and more responsive can help you avoid many associated problems.