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Mistakes – As simple as it may sound. 

That’s true!

Regarding link building, there are certain mistakes that you need to avoid. I call them link building blunders.

When you get bad backlinks, you end up harming your site’s credibility. This is why it is important to prioritize the quality of backlinks over their quantity.

Want to know the aspects that hamper the quality of your links? Let's figure them out.

Link Building Mistakes to Avoid Right Away

If you're looking to enhance your link-building efforts, it's important to steer clear of certain mistakes that can hinder your progress.   

Let's break them down, shall I?

1. Ignoring Search Intent Is a Big No-No  

When someone performs a search on a search engine, they have a specific intent or purpose behind it. It could be informational, transactional, navigational, or even research-oriented.

If you disregard the search intent while building your links, you might end up directing users to irrelevant or unrelated content.

This not only frustrates users but also hampers your website's credibility and overall user experience. So, always strive to align your link building strategy with the search intent of your target audience.

2. Now, Let's Talk About Thin Content

Thin content refers to pages that lack substantial value, are shallow in terms of information, and often provide little to no useful insights or engagement for visitors.

Search engines are constantly striving to deliver high-quality, relevant content to users, and they tend to penalize websites that have thin or low-value content.

So, it's crucial to invest time and effort into creating substantial and informative content that genuinely adds value to your visitors' experience.

In link building, the quality of the pages you link to plays a significant role in determining the effectiveness of your efforts. If you're linking to pages with thin content, you run the risk of degrading the overall quality and value of your own website.

So, make sure the pages you link to are well-developed, and comprehensive, and provide valuable insights or solutions to the users.

3. Be Mindful of The Sites You're Getting Links From  

When it comes to building a strong link profile, quality matters a great deal. You want your website to be associated with reputable and authoritative sites that are trusted by both users and search engines.

If you go ahead and get links from unauthoritative or low-quality sites, it can have a negative impact on your own website's credibility and rankings. So, be sure to focus on building relationships with trustworthy websites that have a solid reputation in your industry.

4. Anchor Texts Are Not Diversified   

Anchor texts are the clickable words or phrases that appear as hyperlinks. They play a significant role in telling search engines what the linked page is about. One common mistake is not diversifying your anchor texts.

If you consistently use the same anchor text for all your links, it can raise a red flag for search engines, making them view your link building efforts as manipulative or unnatural.

To avoid this, it's important to vary your anchor texts by using different relevant keywords, phrases, or even your brand name. This not only helps search engines understand the context of the linked page better but also provides a more natural and organic link profile.

5. Getting links Without Any Relevance   

First off, relevance is key when it comes to link building. It's not just about getting any old links; it's about getting links that are relevant to your website's content and niche.

If you go ahead and acquire links from websites that have no connection or relevance to your industry or topic, it can do more harm than good. Search engines value relevance, and they look for links that come from websites with related content.

So, make sure to prioritize relevance when seeking out link opportunities. Look for websites that are in your niche, have similar or complementary topics, and are likely to appeal to your target audience. This way, the links you obtain will carry more weight and provide greater value.

6. Poor Blogger Outreach Strategy   

Now, let's talk about having a poor blogger outreach strategy. When reaching out to bloggers or website owners for potential link opportunities, it's important to approach it with a well-thought-out strategy. Simply bombarding people with generic or impersonal outreach emails won't yield the best results. Instead, take the time to research the blogs or websites you want to reach out to.

Understand their content, audience, and the value you can offer them. Craft personalized and genuine outreach emails that demonstrate your knowledge of their platform and explain why a link from their website would be beneficial for both parties.

Building relationships and offering something of value is far more effective than mass sending generic emails.

7. Getting Links From Pages With Weak Social Shares   

A social share tells you how well-received and valued a piece of content is. Social shares mean people find the content valuable, informative, or engaging enough to share it. Social validation can be an indirect way to measure quality and relevance.

You should be concerned if you obtain links from pages with weak social shares or virtually no social engagement. In the first place, it could mean the content on those pages isn't engaging users. This can mean the content isn't relevant, valuable, or quality.

Social shares are an indicator of content quality and user satisfaction for search engines. If the pages you're getting links from have low social shares, it might reflect negatively on your own site.


The traffic and visibility of your own website may not be as affected by links from weak social sharing pages. Users or websites may be less likely to click on your website links if they see your page has low social engagement. The content shared by others tends to be trusted.

When it comes to link building, it's generally best to focus on getting links from pages with a lot of social shares. Search engines and users love these pages, so you'll get more traffic and visibility.

Over To You!

I assume that you will not make these mistakes further.

Do you feel that you do not have the time to rectify these mistakes on your own? You may need expert assistance. Is your opinion the same as mine? You can opt for any link building service if that is the case.

That's all for today. Thank you for taking your time to read this content piece.