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What Should you Know About Sheet Metal Press? 

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Have you heard about the sheet metal press? It is one of the most interesting processes of turning sheets into metal. In this process, the metal gets fed into a press where the stamping tool, with the help of which different desired shapes, are created. And that is what R M Mold is best at. We can provide you with the best sheet metal press, and you won’t be complaining about its quality. We will certainly make sure of that. And all you need to do is to know about our specifications and other related issues. First, let us know what the process of sheet metal stamping that we follow is.

How Does Sheet Metal Stamping Work? 

The process of sheet metal stamping is done basically through the process of cold forming. In this process, the sheets of metal are being turned into useful components. And the metal which is turned into a wishful shape has commonly termed a die. But, there are three things that make the process possible to take place. Now, let us see what these three components are:

  • The first component is the metal sheet
  • The second is the die
  • The third and last one is the pressing machine.

Now, let us see what the several steps that are followed in this method are.

Steps that are Involved in the Method of Sheet Metal Press

The following are to be counted as the steps of the sheet metal press. Here you go:

Step # 1: The Formation: 

In the first step of formation, the transformation of metal takes place. Force is used with the help of which a metal is converted into another shape. This step can be done in several ways. However, the process depends on the specifications of the design for that specific part.

Step # 2: Blanking:

This is the method in which the desired shape of the metal is cut out by the method of stamping. As a result of this method, pieces are formed, which are known as blanks. To be precise, blanking is one of the most basic techniques that can be used.

Step # 3: Drawing:

It is quite a complicated operation, and this is the procedure resulting in the formation of deep depression or vessels. It is with the help of tension that the material is carefully drawn into a cavity so that the shape changes. Technicians tend to be very careful during this method, as they try to avoid stretching as much as possible in order to keep the material intact. It is with the method of drawing that various cooking equipment, sinks, and oil pans for the vehicles are made.

Step # 4: Piercing: 

Blanking is the method of carving out the desired shape of metal, piecing is something different. It is the opposite of blanking. But, in this case, the blanks are not saved. In this method, the material outside the punched area is saved. For example, when you think of cutting biscuits from a circle-out dough. So, in case of blanking, biscuits are saved, while in case of piecing, the biscuits will be discarded. And the holes that are formed remain the desired outcome.


These days, there are many companies that need the best metal press mold for their products. And if you are one of them, then you should definitely visit us. We provide the best quality, resilient, superior, and heavy-duty products. Therefore, why should you go somewhere else when you can have it from us, R M Mold? You can get the best quality at the best price.