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Dream big! These are two words that every individual has heard a million times, and they create a world of joyous fantasies. But reality doesn't depend on fantasies but on practical interventions. In simpler words, a person must act towards accomplishing what one desire.

If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it. But the journey from imagining to achieving isn't facile; instead, it requires one to hustle day and night.

Most of us think of dreams as unrealistic or impossible. But it's okay to dream big because even the impossible says, “I'm possible.” 

People try their best and give everything they have but cannot achieve what they aspire for. What prevents them from achieving what they dream of?

What's Holding You?

The pain of the past – pretending to move on and release pain is easy but not credible. Pain comes in various ways and is a serious obstacle to success and accomplishments. Pain is like a closet. Instead of neatly piled clothes in the closet, pain is all over your mind and soul, scattered like an unkempt one. To get new outfits that fit you flawlessly, one must get rid of the old stuff that doesn't fit anymore and is not cared for.

Ask yourself, what is the use of having clothes that don't fit you? Why are you still letting your past traumas haunt you when they have nothing to do with you now? Life is short, and it's not worth wasting time and energy on things that don't matter.

Never wait for tomorrow – you know that tomorrow never comes to those that wait. What we have today and how we live reflects the seriousness of attaining your dream. Start working out today, learn a new skill, write a book you always wanted to, start a new business, dump your insincere partner, dye your hair, and travel with your friends and family. Live every day as if it's your last. You are not promised tomorrow.

Stop looking for perfectionism – unrealistic standards lead to disillusionment and hold you from moving forward. Most of you might come up with thoughts like, “What's the use of trying? It isn't going to happen anyway.” This is what unrealistic thoughts and aiming for perfectionism leads to. Focus and enjoy the process rather than the outcomes.

Making excuses – stop procrastinating and do what you want today and now. The right moment or idea isn't going to come to you one fine morning. Plan, think, evaluate and act accordingly. Everyone can think of ideas, but a few work on them. Ask yourself if you are a chaser or a quitter. Do you want to work and create something, or do you want to live in a fantasy world?

Bottom Line!

Whether you lack focus, fear, or procrastination, if you genuinely want to live the life you imagined yourself living, you must act toward it. It will require great drudgery, consistency, intelligence, and support; honestly speaking, you will have to conquer many obstacles. But facing them will enhance your strength and experiences. More Than Just a Game by Richard E Shaw is an excellent read for someone seeking inspiration to chase their dreams. Dash's inspiring character will leave you surprised about how he accomplishes his dreams in life despite facing great struggles.


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