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The FTC is proposing a ban on fake reviews. This new rule would stop marketers from using fake reviews, suppressing honest negative reviews, or paying for positive reviews. Their reasoning? These practices prevent consumers from finding honest feedback and undercut businesses that depend on real reviews. For many marketers, this means you’ll no longer have to operate in a digital space flooded by fake reviews. How, then, can you utilize product review services to stand out? Here’s everything you need to know.

Fake Reviews Did More Harm Than Good

The truth is, fake reviews were doing more harm than good in many cases, so the ban would signify a net win for marketers. Many consumers are savvy enough to understand that many online reviews are fake. It’s easier to see that a brand with thousands of 5-star reviews but no content to warrant such acclaim is not helpful. However, a few hundred reviews with a variety of ratings are more indicative of actual consumer reviews. Sometimes, if it’s too good to be true, it isn’t actually true. It’s suspicious when a product has primarily 5-star reviews with no reasoning behind it. As such, the ban on these types of reviews would only help your product and marketing efforts appear more enticing to potential customers.

Video Reviews Are Hard to Fake

How, then, does your product stand out among other honest reviews? One of the best strategies is partnering with a product education platform that also acts as a video creative agency. If the proposed rule is put in place, you won’t have to worry about the veracity of these reviews because a video review is hard to fake. It’s a clear way to show off your product and is far better than just a few photos. Make sure the reviewer gives their honest opinion, and you will gain even more trust with your audience.

Experts Offer Credibility

You will want to work with explainer video companies that can connect you with industry experts to appear in video content. A professional in the industry who knows and uses your product can speak with authority. They know how to use it and can show potential customers how it works. This helps them understand the product while also managing expectations. Honest testimony from a professional makes for a trustworthy review that is more likely to connect with your consumer base.

Influencers Alone Aren’t Much Better

Another popular marketing technique is influencer partnerships to extend product reach. However, the general sentiment among consumers is that influencers don’t often use the products they promote. As a result, they don’t have the credibility your customers are looking for. Again, this is a time to lean on the power of experts. If an industry expert collaborates with an influencer, you can create a dynamic review. The professional lends credibility to the video while the influencer ensures more eyes on the product. For example, a professional could teach the influencer how to use the product. This strategy effectively teaches a whole new set of potential customers how to use your product, with the added benefit of expert testimony.

About The Desire Company

Now more than ever, consumers are looking for brands they can trust. Yet, trust is hard to come by. That’s why honest advice matters more than ever. Do influencers even use the products they promote? Consumers are skeptical. So, what’s the right approach? The Desire Company can help create video content for your brand, giving your customers access to unscripted, unfiltered truth. They’re more than a simple creative agency or a conventional video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution. By connecting your brand with industry experts who share their qualified opinions, you can make sure your customers stay informed, not influenced.

Collaborate with professionals to create honest video reviews at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Q839OB

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