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The popularity of hair transplant in Jaipur as a treatment for hair loss has led to its increased accessibility. The competition in the industry has resulted in a significant drop in the hair transplant cost in Jaipur. However, many clinics use ambiguous language to convince customers, potentially leading to dissatisfaction with the surgery.

Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of certain aspects before undergoing treatment. At Medispa clinics, we prioritize honesty and open communication as they are essential for achieving excellent and satisfactory results. Dr. Suneet Soni, an expert hair transplant surgeon, not only possesses the necessary skills but also ensures that the process is thoroughly explained and realistic expectations are set. This approach has undoubtedly contributed to our recognition as one of India's leading hair transplant clinics.

Before hair transplant?

Let's now go over the essential steps taken to prepare for a successful hair transplant:

  1. Evaluation of systemic condition: To achieve optimal results, it is crucial to determine the root cause of hair loss. Hair transplant specialists recommend conducting blood tests and other medical examinations during the initial consultation to assess the patient's overall health and determine the suitability for a hair transplant procedure. For patients over 40 years old, an ECG is performed to assess cardiac function. Any allergies or skin conditions should also be disclosed to the surgeon.
  2. Medication review: Prior to the procedure, the hair transplant surgeon must be informed about any medications the patient is currently taking. Medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics, and blood thinners may need to be discontinued before undergoing a hair transplant. Approval from the doctor is necessary to discontinue the use of these medications.
  3. Habits:The recovery process after hair transplant surgery can be negatively affected by smoking and drinking. It is crucial to refrain from these habits for at least one week before the surgery and continue to abstain for one week after the procedure.
  4. Essential hair care: Prior to undergoing a hair transplant, it is essential to maintain proper hair care. This includes washing your hair every two to three days and avoiding any trimming or coloring, as these procedures are typically performed during the surgery. Additionally, excessive use of hair products should be avoided to prevent dandruff.
  5. Diet maintenance: Both before and after the hair transplant treatment, it is important for the patient to follow a balanced and nutritious diet. This will aid in expediting the recovery process and promote better hair regrowth. A diet rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, iron, and protein is particularly beneficial for optimal results.

During hair transplant

The hair transplant procedure should be carried out by a highly skilled plastic or cosmetic surgeon who is authorized and certified. The following steps must be followed:

  1. Administration of local anesthesia: Prior to harvesting the grafts from the donor and recipient sites, local anesthesia is administered. Only the specific combination of anesthetic drugs formulated by Dr. Soni should be used once during the entire treatment process and does not require additional administration. The effects of the anesthetic cocktail last for approximately 12 hours.
  2. Grafts from the donor location are harvested

Hair grafts are harvested using the two techniques: FUT and FUE

  1. Slit preparation: The recipient area is carefully slit to prepare it for the transplantation of follicular grafts harvested from the donor area. The manner in which the slitting is performed greatly impacts the final outcome. Achieving the most natural-looking results requires a skilled specialist with a keen sense of artistry, as this cannot be easily determined by just anyone.
  2. Hair root transplantation: Following the preparation of slits, the follicular grafts are carefully implanted at the desired recipient site. In order to achieve a natural appearance after the hair transplant, great emphasis is placed on the arrangement, alignment, and angulations of the follicular grafts.

After hair transplant

After undergoing a hair transplant procedure, the newly implanted hair follicles will go through a growth cycle that is similar to that of natural hair follicles. This cycle consists of four stages: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. Each hair follicle will progress through these stages at its own pace, resulting in different stages of growth for each follicle. Depending on the stage of the growth cycle, the transplanted hair follicles will either be growing, resting, or shedding. As a result, the growth of each hair follicle will occur at different times and will vary from person to person. The timeline for the growth of hair follicles after a hair transplant is as follows:

During the first week, in order to achieve optimal results, the patient must adhere to the strict post-operative instructions provided by the hair transplant surgeon. There may be mild short-term complications such as swelling, pain, redness, itching, and numbness. However, these temporary issues can be easily resolved by following the surgeon's instructions. It is common for flakes or scabs to form around the transplanted hair follicles, but they will disappear within approximately 10 days after the procedure.

In weeks 2-3, a phase known as the shock phase occurs. During this time, it is normal to be surprised and concerned as the transplanted hairs start to shed. However, there is no need to worry as this is a natural process for the transplanted hair follicles. They shed their shafts in order to prepare for new hair growth and the development of newer hair shafts.

Month 1 to 2: During this initial phase following a hair transplant, patients may feel disheartened as the hair follicles are in a resting period, resulting in no visible growth or changes on the scalp. This waiting period can be challenging for individuals eagerly anticipating the emergence of new hair on their previously bald heads. The scalp may appear unchanged from before the procedure.

Month 2 to 4: This stage is often a time of joy for patients, as they begin to notice new hair shafts becoming visible on the scalp, offering a glimmer of hope for fuller hair growth. However, the growth may appear uneven, with each hair follicle following its own unique growth timeline, leading to some hairs appearing sooner than others.


Month 6: By the sixth month following the procedure, the hair growth continues to progress, mirroring the natural pattern of hair growth.

Month 6-9: The hair growth during this period is significant, as it covers a large portion of the bald area. Additionally, the donor area has fully healed. The texture of the hair shafts also undergoes changes, becoming thicker.


1 year: After a year, you will be able to fully appreciate the complete hair growth and assess the success of your hair transplant. The bald area will appear fuller, and the hairline and temporal triangles will be in accordance with the chosen design.


It is important to note that observing the growth following a hair transplant requires patience and time. However, if you have chosen the right surgeon and clinic, this waiting period will be worthwhile.


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