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Buying a condo in Fort Lauderdale is a smart choice, however there are certain challenges that comes along with this decision. One of the biggest challenges of condo living is making sure that you have bought the right condo at the right place.

The market is flooded with all sorts of condos. Some of them are in good shape and others are a complete nightmare. The only way to avoid these nightmares is to know what to look for and what to avoid. This blog is an extensive guide on what to look for and what to avoid when buying a condo in Fort Lauderdale.


Consider more than the splendid sceneries

You have found the perfect place to live in Fort Lauderdale but before you sign that mortgage contract, you need to make sure you are making the right decision. There are tons of condos in Fort Lauderdale on the beach that are perfect for those who desires to see rising and setting of sun from the sea and into the sea the from their windows . But think twice before you buy one.

Never go for a unit without getting the condo inspection done. Avoid a property that has signs of mold growth, or a roof that is leaking. You are paying a lot so try to find out whether the building is in good condition or not. You can also find out whether the building is close to a fire station, hospital or police station. The location should not be too noisy.

Make sure there are no damages

Fort Lauderdale beach condos provide a sense of community, as it enables living next to other people, who may even become friends. However, condos can sometimes have issues that can keep residents up at night. They are usually more susceptible to problems than single-family homes.

Often people living in condos have to deal with a lot of maintenance issues that they wouldn't have to deal with in a newer building. Also, condos are often built in areas that are more susceptible to flooding, so you might have to deal with this issue in your condo. Make sure that you avoid condos that have such issues.

Does the condo abides by the ADA Compliance

Condos are popular because of their affordability and easy access for almost everyone, including the disabled. This is why the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was created in 1990. The ADA is a federal law that requires every facility (private and public) to be disability-friendly. Any facility found to be non-compliant with the ADA is banned from receiving any federal funding. This means that if you purchase real estate property that is in non-compliance with the ADA, you will have to bear fine. This also means that you will not be able to sell your condo in the near future. That is why it is important for condo buyers to take the time to ask questions about the building’s compliance with the ADA.

Look for realtors who understand you

When looking for Waterfront homes for sale in Fort Lauderdale or any other house for sale in Fort Lauderdale, look for realtor who understands your needs. When it comes to buying condo in Fort Lauderdale, you have a lot of options. However, if you are looking for a place to invest, it’s crucial that you know what to look for. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable realtor who is an expert in the field. The best way to do this is to check their reviews, and also talk to people who have worked with them in the past to get an unbiased opinions.

Hire a professional inspector to inspect the condo

It is advisable to hire a professional inspector to look at the Harbor beach homes for sale or the beachfront condos in Fort Lauderdale you are interested to give you a report on what to look out for and advise you on how to take care of the condo. The inspector will look at the buildings structure and the foundation. He will look at the windows, the doors, the plumbing, the electrical, the roof and so on. The inspector will also look at the common areas of the condo, the pool, the gym, the parking lot, the elevators and the building’s exterior.


  • Don’t wait for the price to drop
  • Don’t think twice about hiring a realtor
  • Don’t look for more options, when you’ve already got something that fit your needs
  • Don’t wait for the house that will fulfill all your expectations
  • Don’t hesitate to consult a good realtor, even if its fee is bit higher


The condo unit you are looking to buy in Fort Lauderdale will most likely be an investment for years to come. So, take the decision wisely and do the best that fit your needs. Whether you’re looking for Harbor beach homes for sale or a condo in Fort Lauderdale for sale, look no further than the Sherman Luxury Group. Contact us today to know more about the things you should look for or avoid when buying a luxury condo in Fort Lauderdale.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to know more about what to look for & avoid when buying a fort lauderdale condo.