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As a parent, you might have to look for the best possible education for your child and when it comes to the quality of education you might end up looking for CBSE schools in Pune. But the question remains how does the curriculum of international schools work? Before you step into something that might affect your child’s future you should be aware of what you are getting into.

International schools usually work in a different sphere which is slightly different from any other basic school. Having said that, the quality of education that they provide is always the brownie point. A curriculum plays a significant role in moulding how a child’s understanding of the world would be. There is a wide range of curriculums out there that might confuse you with what sort of curriculum to expect in an international school in Pune

International school's curriculum feature the following qualities:

Emphasis on Experiential learning

Gone are the days when textbooks were the only option for students to learn from but with the advancement in the technological sphere and the spur of creativity in organisations, there are different ways of learning. 

  1. International CBSE schools in Pune usually are considered to be the ones that experiment with the usual type of learning. 
  2. They offer a more hands-on approach than rote learning or just learning inside the classrooms. International school education goes way beyond classroom learning. 

CBSE programmes are often Rigorous 

In a usual setup, schools usually emphasise the students to study just a couple of months before the examinations. This means to say that students might be taught during the whole year but they will only study before exams. 

  1. Keeping that in mind, students in International schools have to study rigorously during the entire curriculum and not just months before the examination. 
  2. Students are kept engaged during the entire year with a number of activities that have a lot to do with creativity and incorporating their theoretical knowledge into the practical world. 
  3. Students are given opportunities to work on projects that spur out their creativity and textbook knowledge in the field. 
  4. Not to forget that the International schools would want you to contribute to the school projects the entire year as a part of your curriculum. 
  5. International schools in Pune usually require consistent efforts from students and at times from parents for the benefit of the child. You as a parent can play a huge part in your child’s education just by engaging and being there for several activities in school. 

If your child loves to be engaged in creative work, CBSE schools in Pune are what you should look out for. Understanding a school’s ethos is equally important for you as a parent so that you know how your child will be taught during the entire period of the course. Having said that, Students are usually offered a lot of different opportunities that can help your child grow not just in terms of Academics but also beyond the usual learning sphere.