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HPLVD Testing is about testing a disease harming the growth of cannabis in recent years. However, did you know that this “new disease” has really been known about for a very long time and has long been one of the greatest adversaries of farmers and plant cultivators who diligently labor to grow healthy plants with more and healthier end products.

For growers, illnesses and infections result in significant losses of time, money, and labor. In order to develop a remedy for the illnesses, this has been an active study topic and a humming effort among plant experts. Either by modifying genetic engineering to create a more resistant species or by generating specific compounds that may either kill or irritate microorganisms.

One such pathogen that causes problems for our farmers is the HpLVD viroid. Schmidt discovered the viroids for the first time in 1966. However, except from modest growth retardation and a decrease in yield, no severe symptoms were seen in plants.

You'll discover in this article what sort of disease the Hop Latent Viroid (HpLVD) is, what symptoms it causes in plants, how to detect plants infected with the virus(HPLVD Testing), and how to guard against infection in healthy plants.

Who Are HPLVD?

A plant pathogen known as Hop Latent Viroid (HpLVD) is known as “Dudding disease” because it causes the plant to become stunted or dud. It is a circular, single-stranded infectious RNA in a biological sense. It is a member of the genus Cocadviroid and frequently found on Hop. When you cultivate utilizing the infected plants, the viroids might spread to your new plants without being recognised for years because they don't show any symptoms.

The most typical signs that plants exhibit are:

  • Reduced Growth
  • Reduced Vigor
  • Brittle stems and a smaller bloom mass
  • Stunted trichomes

HpLVD in Marijuana

Numerous Cannabis sativa cultivars were reported to be stunted in 2017 by various producers in California. However, nothing else that would have allowed us to draw a conclusion about what was affecting the plants' development was seen. Later, scientific research established that the plants had HpLVD infection.

So, if the symptoms are not noticeable, how can you tell whether your plants have HpLVD infection? Therefore, keep an eye out for the following symptoms in your plants and get them examined for the existence of the virus.

  • Unbalanced plants
  • Decreased vigor
  • Decreased potency
  • Trichome production was hindered
  • Irregular branching
  • Less terpene and cannabinoid synthesis of up to 50%
  • Chlorosis or leaf malformation
  • Broken stems
  • Quality decline and decreased yields

You can notice smaller leaves and a reduction in internodal spacing during the vegetative stage. Additionally, during the flowering period, you may notice thinner, looser buds as well as a decrease in trichome production.

How Is HPLVD Transferred?

Viroids can spread by physical touch. You may use the same tools to prune an infected plant and then use them to prune uninfected plants. By doing this, you have successfully spread the virus from one infected plant to a healthy plant. Therefore, before using them on the other plants, all the equipment you need for the procedure, such as scissors, shears, scalpels, and others, should be sanitized.

Utilizing the seeds of infected plants for reproduction is another method of spreading the virus. However, it's not yet understood how it occurs.


The screening HPLVD Testing should be performed as soon as you believe your plants may be contaminated with HpLVD based on the aforementioned symptoms. If your assumptions are true, it will confirm them.

Remove any contaminated plants and plants in touch with the diseased plant, and if feasible, test them for viroid infection, if the findings for the viroids are positive.

If you discover that every plant in your garden has HpLVD, you can go on to tissue culture. It is a cutting-edge approach to plant disease prevention. It includes the use of certain chemicals that both assist you increase your production rate and destroy the virus.

What CAN Verne Bioanalytics Do To Assist You In Eliminating HPLVD From Your Cannabis Cultures?

You now realize that tissue culture plays a significant part in the production of healthy plants free of HpLVD. However, if you have no prior experience, the process is not that simple. Additionally, it will take a month for you to research or construct a remedy since you'll need to blend several chemical kinds and concentrations and test them on plants. You'll need to put a lot of time and money into it, just think HPLVD Testing!

However, Verne Bioanalytics makes it much simpler. We offer cannabis consulting services to cannabis farmers of all sizes. PCT offers a solution for everyone, whether you're a new enthusiast entering the industry who needs to teach yourself and your crew before starting your cannabis cultivation business or an existing company with problems with HpLVD infection.

The greatest thing is that you may use this service while relaxing at home by selecting our one-on-one call option or you can request a lab visit from one of our knowledgeable cannabis cultivators who can help you and your employees through the entire pathogen detection and eradication procedure.

Select PCT's consulting services now to increase output across the board for your tissue culture procedures!