1. Pets

What You Need To Watch Out For When Your Dog Is Wearing A Retractable Leash

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When your dog is on his retractable leash, you should still look after him. Wearing a leash does not imply that your dog will behave. He will try to explore and get away with it once he realizes it is keeping him from absolute freedom. You should look out for the following things:

  • Burns – Burns mostly happen when the leash is too thin, and your dog is a puller. When the dog pulls and the leash is at its limit, the friction will cause him to get burned. Friction creates fire. If you switch to the thicker tape-like leash, you can prevent this from happening. 
  • Strangulation – When dogs panic and get disorganized, the long leash can get tangled in their neck and body. It can be fatal when the leash is not removed quickly. The tight cord will block the passage of air. 
  • Accidents – When you are out for a walk with your dog, you might be able to control him temporarily with a leash. However, their animal instinct and determination can conceal your strength. Once they see a prey near them, they will try to catch it no matter what. Accidents happen when the dog is not trained to behave appropriately outdoors. 

Your veterinarian Marietta, GA is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs. Make an appointment today.


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