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There is no doubt that municipal water supplies are contaminated with many harmful substances.

But… It also contains healthy minerals including calcium, magnesium, salt, and fluoride.

It's crucial that your water filter keeps the beneficial substances in the water while removing harmful ones like chlorine and other pollutants.

It tastes better than tap water

Chlorine is essential in preventing the spread of disease-causing microorganisms and viruses in the water that comes out of our taps. nonetheless, it is not something that should be part of your diet.

And then there's the horrible aftertaste of chlorine water. Filtered water improves the flavor by getting rid of the chlorine.

It’s good for the environment

The use of plastic water bottles has negative effects on the environment. The plastic bottles wind up in landfills or, worse, in our waterways, where they destroy marine life and need more energy and fossil fuels to clean up.

The best option is water that has been filtered. Fill up your own water bottle at home and you won't have to worry about harming the planet.

Filtered water is not the same as purified water

Filtered water and purified water may sound the same, but there is a world of difference between the two. Purified water is water that has had all of the salts and minerals removed from it, including the beneficial ones.


Filtered water, on the other hand, has had its pollutants reduced or eliminated entirely. It may seem like you should only drink ‘clean' water, yet filtered water has several health benefits.


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