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Introduction – As we move towards becoming a technologically advanced generation, we are getting more
acquainted with mobile phones and various mobile phone applications that come along with them. There
are currently thousands, and perhaps millions, of mobile applications on the iOS and Android platforms.
Many tech companies are aimed at developing more advanced, trendy, and user-friendly mobile apps. For
this reason, there is plenty of scope for Android App developers in the market. Many online and offline
institutes involve mobile app development training courses in their curriculum.
Let us talk about what is new in the Android app development career to help you choose the best mobile
app development training course for yourselves.
Instant Trends in the Android App Development –
Before we talk about the newest trends in mobile app development training courses, let us first discuss
the latest trends in Android app development. Topping the list, there are 7 latest and most used trends in the
mobile app development arena, and if you aim to become a successful Android app developer, you must be
well-versed with these newly-emerged trends –
1. Instant Apps – The key idea behind developing Instant Apps is to allow users to try the application
before installing it and using it. A common example is the Crossword App launched by New York
Times, which allows users to play games without installing it.
2. Multiplatform development (Flutter) – Flutter is a new technology released by Google that allows
developers to develop apps with a native interface to make them more flexible and user-friendly.
For example, apps like Alibaba and Reflectly run on the Flutter framework.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – The combination of AI and ML can offer
users new and more advanced technologies. These technologies analyze user behavior and patterns
and suggest precise updates and recommendations. The most common example of this is Netflix
and LinkedIn.
4. Chatbots – Chatbots are automated responses that are developed by various apps to provide ease of
communication between users and the app’s customer support. This reduces the time duration and
generates faster responses compared to man-to-man conversations. A common example of this is
Starbucks, Facebook, and Hello Hipmunk.
5. Android Jetpacks – Android Jetpack is like a Bible for Android app developers. It contains all the
tools, technologies, and guidelines that help create new and more advanced applications. The main
components of this jetpack are – the foundation, architecture, behavior, and user interface. This
jetpack is used in most mobile app development training courses.
6. On-demand apps – These apps are such apps that Android app developers create to improve
customer service. These apps help users do their day-to-day tasks easily. For example, Uber. Some
common examples of such apps are taxi apps, grocery delivery apps, google maps, etc. This is one
of the most trendy cultures in the field of Mobile app development and is widely popular in all
mobile app development training courses.
7. Internet of Things (IoT) – Almost every device today has an internet connection. IoT refers to using
the internet for several tasks and things we do daily. This is one of the highest-paying and new
trends in mobile app development. IoT is the main subject in any mobile app development training course. This technology is mostly used in industries like e-commerce and logistics. But it
is not just restricted to them and has implications in healthcare and education too. An example of a

few platforms that teach IoT independently from mobile app development training courses is
Edmodo, C-pen, and Nymi.
These were the 7 latest trends in the field of Android app development and are quintessential for an
Android app developer to learn. To learn these trends and to gain experience and expertise in all these
trends, it is crucial that you enroll in a good mobile app development training course taught by
professionals so that you can become more closely acquainted with these trends.
In-demand Skills for Android Developers –
We already know the newly emerged trends in the field of Android app development. You can choose your
area of interest and accordingly choose the best skill you want to learn while you are enrolled in any
mobile app development training course. However, there are some basic skills that each individual needs
to have no matter what is his key area of expertise.
Knowledge of Kotlin (or Java programming language) and its components, including variables and
operators, loops and lists, strings, conditions, functions and arrays, and understanding of inheritance and
interfaces, errors and exceptions, and classes in Kotlin is important. Also, it is better for a person to learn as
many computer languages as he can so he can develop codes in several languages. Variety in coding
language and programming functions gives a candidate a better chance of getting hired.
Besides this, technical expertise with Android studio, material design guidelines, backend programming,
Git, XML, Android SDK, and SQL ideas is highly sought for by employers.
Your everyday job as a Mobile App Developer –
Once you are successfully able to complete your mobile app development training course, you can apply
for a job in any IT company. Volunteer, intern, freelance, part-time, or full-time work as an Android app
developer is available from any number of start-ups, MNCs, or even your own company if you have
experience in this field. Apps would be regularly designed, developed, maintained, improved, and tested
with the end user in mind. You will improve the app's user experience, fix bugs quickly, and write a lot of
Conclusion – Thus, getting enrolled in a good mobile app development training course can be a superb
career choice for you if you want to build your career in IT and stay acquainted with the latest tools and
emerging technologies in the field of mobile app development. Also, as our dependencies on these apps
keep increasing, mobile app developers never go out of business and can secure a bright future for